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            In March, 1962, seven boys from this district were presented with the
         highest award in Scouting — the Queen's Scout Badge. Four of these boys are
         present members of Wynnum High School, K. McTaggart of Form 6, S. Martin
         and D. Illingworth of Form 5, and G. Hillary of Form 4.
            The badges were presented by the District Commissioner, B. Clarke.
         Speakers included Senator Sir Walter Cooper, Reverend Franz Hall, official padre
         for Scouting in Queensland, and Senior Sergeant O'Connor of the Wynnum Police.
            A further ceremony was held on May 20th at Government House, where
         the boys and others from all parts of Queensland were presented with certificates
         signed by the Queen. They were presented by the Governor, Sir Henry Abel Smith.
            This is the greatest number of Scouts from any one Queensland district to
         earn the highly coveted award simultaneously, and Wirinun takes pride in
         recording the occasion.

            During the year the school was visited each Monday morning by ministers
         of religion from the Wynnum and Manly churches. The school wishes to thank
         the ministers for their services and instruction, and expresses publicly its
            Ministers attending were Mr. Edwards (Baptist), Mr. Ament (Church of
         England), Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Higgins (Methodist), Fr. Dominic (Roman
         Catholic), Mr. F. Wilson (Church of England), Mr. A. Wilson (Presbyterian),
         and Mr. T. Jones (Methodist).
            Students of the school offer congratulations to Rev. Andrew Wilson on his
         appointment to the position of Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in

                          Mr. M. J. McCORMACK
            The magazine wishes to acknowledge the debt to its former editor,
         Mr. M. J. McCormack, who was seconded early this year to the Teachers' Training
         College at Kedron.

            During his term as editor, Mr. McCormack introduced many improvements
         to the magazine and made it the attractive presentation that we have today.
         Writing under the name of "Shakespeare", he decorated the magazines of 1959,
         1960 and 1961 with his own inimitably humorous accounts of the highlights of
         the school year, and perpetrated some astounding pseudo-scientific analyses of
         student gastronomical adventures. The extent and diversity of his ability, and
         the acuteness of his wit make it extremely difficult for anyone to step into his
              This Page generously donated by DAVID BEERE & CO. PTY. LTD.,
              House Furnishers, 70 Bay Terrace, Wynnum.

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