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and students at the commencement of two weeks' vacation.
         August 27 : "All hope abandon, ye who enter here".
             Staff and students returned to school for Term 3.
         August 31 : "A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse".
             Cross-country race was held, with congratulations going to Alan Preston, of
             Form 6, who finished first, and to Mitchell House, winner of most points.
         September 4 : "Vanity has no sex", judging by the array of combs, etc. which
             were displayed by the stronger sex on "photograph" day. Times have
             changed, for, as one master stated, "When I went to school there was one
             comb between about five boys".
         September 26-27 : Q.S.S.S.S.A. Athletics Carnival at the Exhibition Oval. In
             strong competition, Wynnum girls came fourth.
         October 5 : Cadets formed the guard for the Retreat Ceremony at Victoria
             Barracks. C.U.O.M. McDonald, in family tradition, commanded the troops.
         October 9 : Speech Night was held for the first time at the City Hall.
             Mr. Murphy, Deputy Director General of Education, was guest speaker.
             Present for the occasions were former principals, Mr. Holdaway and
             Mr. Perry.
         October 12 : Passing Out Parade of the cadet unit was reviewed by Lt. Col.
             I. C. Wilton.
         October 13 : Allan & Stark Shield for rifle shooting was won by 5 Cadet Bn.,
             with C.U.O.'s McTaggart, McDonald and Elms as the Wynnum representatives.
         October 16 : Our diary comes to a conclusion as students prepare for forth
             coming examinations in November.

                     DEAL WITH THE MAN YOU KNOW

                             RON SCHMIDT


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