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R. Beaumont gained the same number of points, to become under 14 champions.
         Dennis Thams gave Alan Preston such a fright while running the mile that he
         won, and Dennis came a very close second. D. Fairweather showed excellent form
         and won the under 16 broad jump.
             In a new event, the discus, Kennedy House succeeded in winning the
         under 16 and under 15 events. Congratulations to Donald Fairweather and
         R. Clark for their fine effort.
             The help given by our house teachers, Mrs. Taege and Mr. Lee, and vice
         captains, Sandra Batchelor and Alfred Matjack, has proved invaluable and very
         much appreciated. Thanks also to Alayne Smith, who made our house flag.
             Congratulations to the champions of all houses, and thank you to all the
         wonderful Kennedy people whose effort and support has made 1962 a most
         successful and memorable year.

                    HOUSE MASTER : Mr. Law.
                    HOUSE MISTRESS : Miss Rohde.
                    HOUSE CAPTAINS : Paul Lewis, Patricia Morrison.
             Red is a sign of danger and also a mark of distinction. Mitchell has ably
         proved this axiom, the "Reds" having given the other houses several causes for
         alarm this year in the competitive field. A relative distinction, though not a
         complete break-through, has been Mitchell's lot this year, thanks to the staunch
         and keen support of its members.
             Mitchell boys went home jubilant this year after the Boys' Swimming Car
         nival, having doused their aquatic Oxley friends, in a very splashing afternoon.
         Barrie Preston torpedoed to fame, winning the under 16 championship. Unfor
         tunately, the girls, try as they might, could not equal the boys' victorious effort
         of the previous week. Beverley Heron, under 14, showed good form throughout
         the programme.
             In the athletics, Mitchell somehow succumbed to the sinews of the other
         houses (but later redeemed itself in the Cross Country). Rodney Chadwick
         (Speedy Gonzales) won his share of events in a very creditable performance.
         In the girls, Narelle Dalzell proved herself a future "hope" by running close
         seconds to Karen Jordana in both the under 14 championships.
             The Cross Country! This is something all Mitchellites love to talk about.
         We will here withhold our enthusiasm and say modestly that we won (an under
         statement, however). Gordon Boyd, our Vice-Captain, and Graham Patterson are
         to be congratulated on coming a tie for second to Alan Preston (Oxley), whom
         we also congratulate.
             In Inter-house football, Mitchell was victorious, eventually defeating Kennedy
         after many clashes. Mitchell, cunningly disguised in grey, has also been quite
         active on the golf course, and we are confident that a Mitchell golfer will win
         the open championship.
             Inter-house basketball : Mitchell's A grade team has so far been undefeated,
         and it is to be hoped that they will continue in such good form until the end of
         the season. Those worthy of special mention are Ann Brookes, Lynnette Campbell,
         Michelle Roche.
             The Girls' Inter-house tennis championship is in progress, and Mitchell is
         quite confident with such players as Sue Curry, Maxine Upton and Vera Zubevich.
             Hockey : Here again Mitchell was well represented by Valerie Clough,
         Patricia Morrison, Margaret Hogan, Jo-Ann Barlox and Necia Barber.
         ★ This Page generously donated by COTTEE'S SPARKLING FRUIT DRINKS,
             Lang Parade, Milton.

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