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Finally we would like to thank Miss Rohde and Mr. Law for the aid they
         have given in the past year. We congratulate the winning house, Kennedy, also
         Oxley and Cunningham for the good sportsmanship they have shown. We wish
         all the students every success in the forthcoming examinations. So until next
         year — Au revoir !

                    HOUSE MISTRESS : Miss Lenihan.
                    HOUSE MASTER : Mr. Taylor.
                    HOUSE CAPTAINS : Carol Bryning, Alan Preston.
             The Boys' Swimming Carnival found Oxley, despite a great effort by indivi
         dual swimmers, gaining only third place — a reversal on last year's fortunes.
         Notable efforts were those by Alan Preston (open champion), Peter Castleton
         (unde  16 runner-up), and Richard Ledger (under 15 runner-up). The Vice
         Captain, Keith Haidle, was responsible for the excellent organisation of the Oxley
             The Athletics Carnival proved to be a very exciting struggle, in which
         Cunningham boys obtained first place, followed by Mitchell House. For Oxley,
         Harry Rozulkhans, David Moore, Ian Nutley, John Mackay and Alan Preston were
         placegetters in many events. Congratulations to John Macka/ for equalling the
         under 16 high jump record.
             In the A and C Grade football teams, Oxley fielded Frank Whatley, Vice
         Captain — A Grade, Les Ball, John McColl, Alan Stamp, Keith Haidle and
         Rod Elmes. We were also well represented in the weight divisions of
         Inrer-school football. Les. Ball, John McColl, Frank Whatley, C Grade Captain,
         and Tony Murray also showed their ability in inter-school cricket teams.
             The last day of August was set aside for the cross country. Alan Preston
         was the eventual winner, while I. Nutley, R. Hovey, G. Bailey and G. Bell filled
         places in the first thirty. Oxley was runner-up to Mitchell, who had a very
         decisive points win. Perhaps Mitchell will raise her red standard at the end of
         the year.
             This year, a cute little fellow by the name of Puff came to Oxley House on
         the morning of the Athletics Carnival. Resplendent in mauve ribbons, with his
         beady eyes aglow, he surveyed the day's proceedings from the top of the Oxley
         flag. He saw Karin Jordana win the under 14 championship with a total of
         30 points and two records to her credit. In the ball games, Kennedy was our
         greatest rival, and although we were defeated in the end, our girls acquitted
         themselves well, especially the under 15 age group. Their excellent standard is
         due to house Vice-Captain Sandra Hopkins, who trained them so well.
             Among the other girl champions, Oxley produced Carol Bryning, Lynne Murray,
         Suzanne Hunting, Michelle Jordana and Mary Atkins. Carol was open swimming
         champion, and Michelle and Mary represented the school in tennis.
             In the Girls' Inter-house Swimming Carnival, Oxley obtained second place
         with a total of 206 points. Thanks go to all the girls for their excellent co-opera
         tion, especially in regard to the qualifying races.
             Grateful thanks also are extended to Miss Lenihan and Mr. Taylor for their
         invaluable assistance throughout the year.
             Finally, we would like to shake hands with Kennedy, who have proved them
         selves without a doubt. Congratulations to Kennedy for a job well done.
            This Page generously donated by BENJAMIN'S PHARMACY, Bay Terrace,

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