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"Strive for the School"

                                                 By the Sportsmaster
            Satisfaction and optimism are the words which describe the general feeling
         regarding sporting activities at Wynnum High School during 1962, for in inter
         school competitions teams in tennis, golf and football have captured premiership
         trophies. Apart from the fact that many of our inter-school representatives will
         be returning to school next year, there are many who have gained experience in
         the necessary skills associated with various sports and will be contenders for team
         positions in 1963.
            Particularly noticeable has been the improvement in football at the inter
         house level. This, it is certain, was the result of a planned series of inter-house
         matches and the provision of several sets of jerseys in house colours, which
         increased house spirit and rivalry. Theie are many boys playing inter-house
         football who should be playing for the school. Contrary to popular opinion, inter-
         schcol football is probably less dangerous than inter-house and inter-class matches.
            Grants to the two school soccer teams from the Wynnum Soccer Club enabled
         the purchase of uniforms for the boys, and the general interest shown by sup
         porters will enable the continuance of inter-school competition. It is expected
         that with the experience of 1962 behind them, the soccer teams will give a
         better account of themselves in 1963.
            Athletically, the school has grounds for optimism, although the girls seem
         the stronger this year and should win at Q.S.S.S.S.A. It is hard to explain the
         relative lack of strength of the boys. Wynnum badly needs a star runner around
         whom we can build.
            A similar situation exists in swimming. A greater interest should be taken
         in this fine sport, for the facilities at the Manly Baths are good and are matched
         by the enthusiasm of the coaches. School swimming standards are not good and
         some further attention will be given to this state of affairs next year.
            The number of girls playing ball games and basketball have been in keeping
         with the Wynnum tradition, but too much has been left to the less senior girls
         of the school, and in inter-school basketball competition the task became very
            Generally then, there has been no lack of enthusiasm throughout the school,
         and no expense has been spared in cricket, hockey and football to provide neces
         sary equipment.
            I would like to express my thanks to all coaches who have given much of
         their time, and I would urge the reader to gain the maximum benefit and pleasure
         from sport, to strive for the school, and participate to the full in its activities.

                This Page generously donated by GOLDEN CIRCLE PRODUCTS,
                Earnshaw Road, Northgate.

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