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                                                    placegetter in
                                             Q.S.S.S.S.A. 1962
                                                    Open Hurdles.

                                               The  annual  Athletics  Carnival  for
                                           State Secondary Schools held at the
                                           Exhibition  was  a  new  experience  for
                                           many  students  of  Wynnum  High
                                           and  an  opportunity  for  old  hands  to
                                           recapture  the  spirit  and  excitement  of
                                           petition  against  the  rivals.  To  all  the
                                           sight  and  sound  of  thousands  of
                                           supporters   was   an   unforgettable
                                               True   to   its   reputation   for
                                           disciplined   behaviour   on   such
                                           occasions, W.H.S.
                                           stoically sat out the warm sunny Friday
                                           on Machinery Hill and cheered its
                                           competitors with unabating enthusiasm.
                                           The reward came with Pauline Davis's
                                           victory in the under 15 discus, and was
                                           duly acknowledged with the school war
                                           cry   flung   triumphantly   to   the
                                           grandstands  opposite.  There  were,  of
         moments of misfortune, particularly for some of our sprint hopes, but they were
         all part of the game — the chastening after the exhilaration. The homeward
         buses carried back to the sea breeze of Moreton Bay competitors and spectators
         alike, aware that the morrow presented the real test, the finals of the heats, the
         mounting points score, the striving for victory, the champion school.
             On Saturday W.H.S. returned to the fray, sadly depleted in numbers, but
         undaunted by the absence of many supporters. Those who were present did their
         best to urge on mightily the green and grey and were to revel in Pauline's
         second victory, in the Open Discus this time. The victory of the Under 15 team
         in the File Gap and Pass was a second occasion of excitement which was
         matched by the splendid run of the boys in the Under 16 4 x 110 relay, and
         Max McDonald's placegetting finish in the Open Hurdles.

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