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P. 137

7st A - Metropolitan Premiers

              To mention individual players, in team work, is not to favour them at the
          expense of the others, for all must play their cart equally well. However, mention
          must be made of John Wiley, who captained the team well, of Ron. Dolby, whose
          boot helped on many occasions, of Rix, with his inspired running. Space does not
          permit mentioning here the others of whom much could be said.
              From the school, then, to the 7 A Premiers, "Congratulations! Well Done!"
              (And congratulations, too, to the coach, Mr. Law, whose enthusiasm knew
          no bounds. Ed. >

                                          7 Stone B
                                       SHOWS IMPROVEMENT
              This team won three games, drew one, and lost three. The captain was
          J. Willis, who was promoted to the 7 stone A team for the last few games of
          the season. The team improved greatly throughout the season. The top try
          scorer was J. Dowding with 10 tries.
              The football used by this team was the famous "Doube highly inflated" ball.
          Unfortunately, this football disappeared after the last game, souvenired, no doubt,
          on account of the famous name associated with it.   L. O'M.
              (Maybe in orbit over Balmoral. Ed.)

                  Front Row: F. Rix, L. Graham, R. Dolby < Vice-Captain), I. Dowding, M. Rowley.
                  Middle Row: W. Carlton, G. Christensen, K. Martain, Mr. C. Law, 'Coach'. G. Kelk,
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