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During the afternoon students were pleased to see Mr, Perry, our Principal
         in 1960, and Mrs. Perry, who spent a few minutes renewing acquaintances. They
         were followed by Mr. Garrett, a former Deputy Principal, Mr. Lendrum,
         Miss Pigram, Miss Ritchie, and ex-Olympian, Morrie Rich, all former staffers at
         Wynnum. We appreciate their continued interest in the school.

             Although the final tally of points scored did not reach as high as was
         expected, satisfaction was felt with what had been achieved, and with the pros
         pects for 1963. Competition among the schools seemed to be more evenly
         distributed and three or four firsts in themselves become an achievement.
             W.H.S. students present enjoyed too the performances of the numerous
         high school cheer squads ana extend their congratulations to Brisbane State High
         School for its victories, and its spiritedly fervent loyalty.

               Greece says : Be wise — know yourself.
               Rome says : Be strong — acquit yourself.
               Confucianism says : Be superior — correct yourself.
               Shintoism says : Be loyal — suppress yourself.
               Buddhism says : Be disillusioned — annihilate yourself.
               Mohammedanism says : Be submissive — yield yourself.
               Judaism says : Be holy — conform yourself.
               Modern Materialism says : Be acquisitive — enjoy yourself
               Communism says ; Be collective — secure yourself

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               Christianity says : Be Christlike — give yourself for others.

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