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By Annette Horton, Janet Kerr and Edris Ross
         January 30 : "What can't be cured must be endured", and we are back at school
                      again to commence Term 1 as a High School only.
            We notice many of last year's familiar faces have gone, including the
            Scholarship teachers, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Mahoney, Mr. Maccoll, Mr. McAlister,
            and Miss Cribb; also Mrs. Gallagher, Miss Greenway, Miss Soden, Mr. Weise,
            Mr. Simpson, Miss Foster, Miss Westerman. Gone also are Mr. Lendrum
            and Mr. Cox, who graced our portals for many years. New arrivals include
            Miss Bunn, Miss Cameron, Mr. Law, Miss O'Donnell, Mr. Teasdale,
            Mr. Robertson, Miss Brown, Miss Downes, Miss Matjac, Mr. Andresen,
            Miss Petroff, Miss Coghlan, Miss Corcoran and Miss Dickie.
         January 31 : "Whatever advice you give, be short".
            First general parade for the year was held, and in the belief that "it is
            better to wear out than rust out", first sports afternoon was held.
         February 1 : Miss Nixon was officially welcomed back to W.H.S. in her capacity
            of Senior Mistress after a year's absence at Commercial.
         February 2 : Mr. McCormack left us "to teach the teachers" at Kedron
            Teachers' Training College.

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