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Parents’ and Citizens*

                             “In the near future a project"
               It is extremely gratifying to look back over the past 12 months and see just
           what has been accomplished by such a small group of workers. We have been
           instrumental in getting the road to the school repaired, dressing sheds and showers
           built. Quite a few amenities have been provided. For instance, we have recently
           bought some very fine pictures for the classrooms and staff rooms, which I hear
           are much appreciated by staff and students. The annual library grant is being
           maintained. A tenor drum has been purchased for the Cadet Unit. These are
           just a few of the items provided by the Association during the year.
               The thanks of the Association are extended to the Ladies' Auxiliary. Under
           the leadership of the past President, Mrs. King, and now under the guidance of
           the present President, Mrs. Schweitzer, the ladies, especially those rostered for
           duty at the Tuck Shop, have given so much of their time and worked so hard to
           make the Tuck Shop run smoothly. The Association hope to extend the Tuck Shop
           in the near future and tenders are being considered for the necessary alterations
           to be carried out.
               There have been changes within the Association during the year. Mr. Hulme,
           our President, resigned owing to his transfer from the district. Vice-President
           Mr. A. Bolitho has, in the absence of a President, conducted our monthly meetings.
               Mrs. Mathams has carried out the duties of Treasurer remarkably well.
               As Secretary I have found it pleasant Io work with a congenial committee.
               There has, unfortunately, been no marked increase in members at our
           meetings. It is sad to note that, although there are nearly 1000 students attend
           ing the school, the average attendance of parents has been 18. It is difficult to
           find a reason for this, and it is hoped that the situation will soon improve.
           Parents are cordially invited to attend these meetings and support the Association
           in its efforts to provide amenities for their children which they would not other
           wise enjoy.
               The Tuck Shop Management Committee has dealt with all matters concerning
           the Tuck Shop in an admirable way and, to a large extent, taken the burden from
           the Parents' and Citizens' Committee; and our thanks are hereby extended to
           them and to Mr. J. W. H. McMaster, who so ably keeps the accounts of the
           Tuck Shop and advises our various buyeis when necessary.
               To Mr. Gunn, M.L.A., our Patron, once again, our sincere thanks for his
           untiring efforts for the school. Nothing has daunted him in his dealings with the
           various Departments, on behalf of the school.
               In the near future a project will be named on which the major part of the
           profits derived from the Tuck Shop will be spent. In the meantime the Associa
           tion will continue to help meet the requirements of the school, wherever possible.
                                         ALICIA BARKER, Hon. Secretary.
           Office Bearers for 1961-62 — Year ending August 31st
                    Patron -        Mr. W. M. Gunn, M.L.A.
                    President       Mr. Hulme (retired)
                    Vice-President ( 1 )   Mr. A. Bolitho
                    Vice-President (2)   Mr. Elson
                    Treasurer       Mrs. J. Mathams
                    Secretary       Mrs. A. Barker
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