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and displaying legs in various stages of anaemia, took the field against our invincible
         A team, highly trained and in the full vigour of youth". (The result, a six all
         draw, and one set of cracked adult ribs. Ed.). Members of the Intermediate
         Soccer team were Trevor Neibling and Brian Paroz of Form 1.
             The School Cadet Unit came into existence on the 2nd of February, 1956.
         The unit, said the magazine, "is commanded by Captain Griffith, assisted by
         Lieutenants Law and McCormack. Under Officers Mitchell and Monks and
         Sgt. Bielenberg commanded the three platoons." Pride too was taken in the
         school's first entry to the Royal Military College at Duntroon —• Tom Senden.
             Form captains in Form 1 for 1957 included Alayne Smith, Lee Williams,
         Richard Lawler and Pam Patterson. The magazine noted the selection of
         R. Ricketts in the Queensland Rugby League five stone seven team to play
         New South Wales. It also stated that J. C. Scales had passed Scholarship the
         year previous, and that J. Cafferky was a member of the Girls' B tennis team
         which recorded one win during the season. Ralph Railings won the Cross Country
         in 21 min. 7.2 secs, (a record!. Teachers defeated Students at cricket.
         L.  T. O'Mara top scored with 21 not out. There was a thunderstorm on speech
             1958 introduced Mr. F. B. Perry as Principal upon the appointment of
         Mr. Cafferky to Brisbane State High School. At Athletics W.H.S. came within
         one point of winning both the boys' and girls' competitions. The girls won the
         President's Cup, but the boys missed by one point.
             Mr. T. C. Baker-Finch, B.Sc., B.Ed., was appointed Deputy Principal upon
         the transfer of Mr. Garrett to Salisbury High. In the words of the Editor,
         "His transfer came as an unpleasant shock to staff and students, who had come
         to regard his earnest friendliness and quiet efficiency as part of school tradition".
             The house names Griffith, Lilley, and Wentworth became Cunningham,
         Kennedy, Mitchell and Oxley, after much deliberation. Socially, Wynnum repre
         sentative teams visited Bremer High School. School Captains were John Sands
         and Barbara Arnold. An interesting police ohotograph appeared on page 78.
             The annual magazine blossomed colourfully in 1960 under the name of
         WIRINUN <the wise ones). Honourable mention was given to Michael McDonald
         upon his admission to the R.A.A.F. Officers' School at Point Cook. It rained on
         Speech Nighr. The Tuck Shop opened on August 1st.
             "Exercise Phutt-Nik" aroused the sleepy inhabitants at Coochiemudlo, but
         the cadet unit was completely devastated by rain at 0130 hours. Students of
         4B1 were awarded the coveted "Retired Scholars" Award by their form teacher.
         (This award is only given to students who have done no work at all for two
         years. Ed.)
             Mr. Cafferky returned to the school in 1961, with Mr. P. C. R. Proctor,
         B.Sc., as Deputy Principal, Mr. Baker-Finch having been appointed Principal at
         Caboolture. The innovation of a staff photograph — a unique experience for
         WIRINUN — was the highlight of the 1961 magazine.
             1961 also marked the end of an era, the last year of Wynnum High and
         Intermediate, and was to farewell several teachers — Miss Cribb, Mr. Phillips,
         Mr. Maccoll, and Mr. McAllister, who, over the years, had given a great deal
         to the school. It rained on Speech Night.
             So the magazine goes to the printer for 1962, mindful of the hundreds of
         students and scores of teachers who have played their part in school life and
         gone their way, taking with them a part of the school and leaving in return
         something of themselves.
             Perhaps you will be impressed with the achievements so briefly touched
         upon in these lines and gain inspiration.
                                                      THE EDITOR.

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