Page 3 - E-module IC Reading
P. 3
First of all, we would like to express our gratitude to Allah the Almighty for giving us the
opportunity and strength to complete this module. We would like to express our sincere
gratitude to the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, as well as the
Research Institute of Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) for providing us with sufficient
funding and resource for this 3-year research on developing an electronic module to
implement the Reading to Learn approach in Intensive Course classes. Our thanks also go to
all subjects of the study who were willing to spend their precious time joining the process of
data collection procedures. Eventually, we truly thank our research assistants, who have
assisted us skilfully in developing this module.
This electronic module is intended to be used by freshmen students of the Department
of English who are supposed to take the Intensive Course classes. The main objective of this
course is to develop self-directed learning and habit formation. By following the steps in this
electronic module, the students are expected to reach the objective and prepared to step
further. Moreover, there are various topics and activities provided in each unit so the
students may experience different challenges and practical strategies in reading as well as in
There are 12 units consisting of three different text types, procedure, description, and
recount. Every text type consists of some topics. For example, the procedure texts cover the
manual, instruction, recipe, and direction. Each unit starts with the objectives, as the
students are supposed to understand the reasons why they need to do the tasks provided.
There is a short and clear explanation of the genre characteristics under the discussion to
prepare the students before they are given a reading text. Then, in the next step, the
students are supposed to read the text by themselves. There are some exercises about the
text, which should be discussed in small groups. After finishing the tasks, the students
acquire clear ideas about the characteristics of a certain text type. For the last several steps,
they need to work on their own, starting from reading the text, identifying important clues,
and using the clues to write some kind of the same text type.
By having such a great expectation in mind, we do hope that all of the students find this
electronic module appropriate and relevant to develop their English competence, especially
their reading and writing skills. Besides, this module may be acceptable for groups of
students who have the same characteristic as the Intensive Course students. We welcome
all feedback as well as constructive criticism for the betterment of this module.
Nunung Suryati
Sri Andreani
Utari Praba Astuti