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MEET OUR                                                                    

                 HEADTEACHER TPIS

           It  is  a  privilege  for  me  to  welcome  you  to TEMPLER  PARK

           INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Matters in its first edition, as I begin my

           first  school  year  as  Headteacher  at  TPIS.  I  am  energized  and

           deeply committed to making a positive difference in the lives of

           your children.

           I have  been  dedicated to  the field of education for  many years

           with  a  specific  concentration  in  literacy  development,  the

           teaching  of  writing,  enrichment  opportunities  for  children  and

           make them true leaders. This leadership is what I am bringing to

           TPIS,  to  not  only  encourage  the  acquisition  of  content,  but  the

           achievement  of  competences,  with  the  aim  of  providing  the                 HEADTEACHER

           students with resources and learning tools that prepare them for
                                                                                               SADAOUI SAFI
           a professional future in a globalized and changing world, in which

           personal  skills  such  as  analytical  skills,  communication  skills,  or

           faculties  such  as  resilience  and  decision  making  are  valued


           I am pleased to share a few of the exciting and outstanding things

           to come at TPIS. We will continue to offer a variety of academic
           and    performance  options  including  the  Science,  Technology,
           Engineering  and  Mathematics  Program,  and  new  this  year  is

           Project Based Learning, an innovative engineering curriculum. We

           also welcome the addition of musical performances to our choral

           program, adding to Fine Arts department.

           “Education is a social process. Education is growth. Education is,
           not   a preparation for life; education is life itself “

           “Stay safe, have fun, and keep learning”.

           WELCOME TO TPIS

       +6 011 1632 2559                     WWW.TPIS.MY                 
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