P. 5
Teacher Mr. Wong
As senior Mandarin Teacher and being an educator and linguist for the past decades, I am
sure I can bring vast improvement to the students in terms of moral values apart from quality
academic pursuits. My role is to share and impart my knowledge to the students, particularly
about the Chinese culture and to teach these students especially for non-Chinese learners
how read, write and speak well.
As teacher for non-Chinese learners in Mandarin, listening skills and memorizing the correct
pronunciation of ‘hanzi’ (Chinese characters) is a basic requirement. For Chinese learners, things become easier as
they have the learning environment at home, particularly in Mandarin speaking families.
As far as possible, students should always stay home and involved in online lessons rather than returning to
respective schools, even if the pandemic tension eases a little. The SOP and frequent washing of hands with soap
and water and the wearing of proper surgical masks should always be complied. Let’s hope the current Covid-19
pandemic would go away as soon as possible and we should indeed learn to take this opportunity to feel grateful and
cherish what we have during these trying times.
“When the going gets tough, the tough gets going!”
Waste not, want not; cherish what we have and make the world a better place to live in.
Teacher Mdm. Renuka
Dear TPIS students and parents,
I hope this note reaches you while you are safe and in good health. During this pandemic season
Teaching and learning continued in the new norm whether it is at school or home. However, as an
ICT Tea cher with vast experience in teaching for more than 15 years, teaching and learning
continued as best as possible by preparing TPIS students with knowledge and equipping them
with relevant skills so that TPIS students will be technology savvy, embedded with critical thinking
and creativity.
As a ICT subject Teacher, my advice to all TPIS students is to keep learning, get updated on the latest technology and
keep practicing. Whatever lessons that is learned, do explore, learn and apply those new skills.
It has been a challenging year, I wish everyone stay safe don’t forgot SOP always washing of hand with soap or
sanitizer and wear mask. Let’s hope pandemic covid-10 would go away soon as possible.
“Knowledge, respect, wisdom, humbleness are qualities that makes a student an all-rounder”
+6 011 1632 2559 WWW.TPIS.MY