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                                              THE PATH OF


                                              By Venerable Dr E Indaratana Maha Thera

           Venerable E. Indaratana Maha      Ven. Indaratana Maha Thera        Kung Kok Chye: You are born
           Thera was born on February        became the 6th Chief Monk         and received your education,
           10, 1954 in Sri Lanka. When       of Mahindarama Buddhist           including monastic ordination,
           he was 12 years old, he went      Temple, Penang. He was also ex    in Sri Lanka. But at a young age
           forth to leave the house-hold life   Principal of the Mahindarama   you left Sri Lanka to carry out
           and ordained as a novice monk     Sunday Pali School. He started    religious activities in various
           (sāmaṇera) in 1966. When he       the Amata Medical & Diabetic      countries overseas. Can you
                                                                               tell us why you chose to pursue
           was 21 years old, he went for his   Center in 1996. Currently,      a religious vocation overseas
           higher Ordination (upasampadā)    Venerable Indaratana is the Chief   rather than in your native
           on June 5, 1975. Ven. Indaratana   Incumbent & Spiritual Advisor to   country?
           Maha Thera studied Buddhism       the Pertubuhan Mahindarama
           for five years at Gangaramaya     Buddhist which is the Temple
                                                                               Indaratana: Since at a very young
           College in Colombo, Sri Lanka.    Management Committee. Most        age, I love to travel to different
                                             of the new developments in the    countries to learn the many types of
           He first visited Mahindarama      temple were started by Ven.       languages and cultures. So when the
           Buddhist Temple in 1977 on the    Indaratana Maha Thera after he    opportunity arose for me to travel
           invitation of his teacher, the late   became the Chief Monk in 1995.  to Thailand, Malaysia and Australia
           Ven. S.V. Sri Pandit P. Pemaratana
                                                                               during my younger days, I grabbed
           Nayaka Maha Thera (1915-1995)     As Mahindarama Temple             the opportunity immediately. It was
           during the opening of the new     celebrates its centenary in 2018,   a good experience for me to learn
           Gunaratana Memorial Library       Benny Liow requested Kung         so many different languages and
           at the temple. Since then, Ven.   Kok Chye, a long-time dharma      understand the various cultures.
           Indaratana visited Mahindarama    practitioner, Buddhist leader,    The Buddha said: ‘Carata Bhikkhave
           Temple frequently at the request   and dharma friend to interview   Caratam Bahujana Vitaya Sukaya’
           of his late teacher.              Ven. Indaratana on his many       - it simply means ‘Oh Bhikkhus, go
                                             contributions to Buddhism in      to different places, and spread the
           When Ven. S.V. Sri Pandit P.      Malaysia during the years he has   lovely teachings’
           Pemaratana Nayaka Maha            been the chief monk of the temple.
           Thera passed away in 1995,                                          One of your teachers was the late
                                                                               Ven P Pemaratana Maha Nayaka
                                                                               Thera, whom you succeeded as
                                                                               the chief monk of Mahindarama
                                                                               Temple. Can you tell us what you
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