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                                                                               facing us. If possible, the Buddhist
                                                                               leaders of all traditions should
                                                                               establish a single organization
                                                                               that truly represent all Malaysian
                                                                               Buddhists in the country. At the
                                                                               moment there is no one who is
                                                                               recognized as the head of the
                                                                               three Buddhist traditions in
                                                                               Malaysia. Secondly, I will continue
                                                                               to propagate the compassionate
                                                                               teachings of the Buddha to as many
                                                                               people as possible! Our motto is
                                                                               to preach and share the Buddha’s
                                                                               teachings to all who wish to learn
                                                                               but we are not out to convert
           What is your assessment of        Buddha and we follow a life of
           Buddhism in this country? What    discipline and good moral conduct.
           are the key challenges Buddhists   We are after all Buddhists even if
           in Malaysia face and how can they   we are from different schools of
           overcome them?                    thought. The key challenge that we
                                             are facing today is moral decadence
           Compared to the time when I first   of all sorts. As society progresses
           came to Malaysia, I believe most   materially, the moral compass
           devotees today are more exposed   seems to have been lost resulting
           and aware of the various Buddhist   in people committing many evil
                                                                               Kung Kok Chye was born in 1950
           traditions such as the Theravāda,   and heinous crimes. We need to
                                                                               and joined the Mahindarama
           Mahāyāna and Vajrayāna. All three   be on guard against all the various
                                                                               Sunday Pali School at the temple
           Buddhist traditions will continue to   type of unwholesome actions that
                                                                               in 1967. He studied Buddhism from
           grow in Malaysia and it is important   are rampant in our society, and the
                                                                               the Preliminary level to Senior
           for followers of each tradition to   Buddha’s ethical teachings is the
                                                                               level in 1969. He has served in
           understand the similarities and   best safeguard against the decay in
                                                                               various capacities in the temple
           differences in each tradition. There   society.
                                                                               management committee, as Assistant
           should also be mutual respect
           among followers of each other’s   You have contributed a lot to     Hon. Secretary to Hon. Secretary and
           tradition.                        Buddhism in this country. What’s   as Chairman since 2004. In 1998,
                                             on your wish list that you would   he was appointed a Trustee of the
           While both the Theravada and      like to carry out in the near     temple.  Kung has also served as
           Mahayana traditions have been     future?                           Chairman of the YBAM Penang State
                                                                               Liaison Committee from 1978-1982,
           in Malaysia for some time now, I
                                                                               YBAM National Hon. Treasurer from
           find that the Vajrayana tradition is   Firstly, I would like to see more
                                                                               1974 -1980, and Young Buddhist
           growing very fast in this country.   interactions among followers of the
                                                                               Foundation Finance Director from
           To me, it does not matter which   three main Buddhist traditions in
                                                                               1979 till 2014.  EH
           tradition you follow as long as we   Malaysia. We must all unite as one
           all realize that our teacher is the   when confronted with problems
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