Page 14 - EH56
P. 14


           There are no major problems in our association     •  Inviting members from all traditions to join the
           adopting a non-sectarian approach in our activities.   management committee
           Problems that arose usually pertain to inter-personal   •  Teaching the value of respect towards all traditions,
           conflicts among members due to lack of communication   e.g. combined Buddha pūja from time to time, in
           or misunderstanding. However, such problems are       youth camps and some big functions
           limited as our association preaches loving kindness as a   •  Regular practice of loving kindness through Mettā
           practice among the devotees.                          Bhavana
                                                              •  Organizing bi-lingual fellowship programs such
           The management committee holds strongly to the        as excursions, Family Day, Welfare projects, Hymn
           belief that despite different Buddhist traditions, the   singing, film shows, and recreational activities.
           core teachings of the Buddha are similar. Devotees
           understand there are differences in the devotional   The challenge facing many Buddhist organizations
           practices and rituals among the three traditions, but   is the lack of young leaders to take over from the
           they have learnt to appreciate such diversities as part   pioneers who would eventually be retiring. How
           and parcel of the richness of Buddhism as it evolved   do you identify or groom younger members with
           over the centuries. Such harmony in the association is   potential as future leaders for the association?
           also a result of several key initiatives that have been
           inculcated among the devotees over the past 30 years   This is the biggest challenge facing our association.
           such as:                                           Currently, more than half of our management committee
           •  Proper learning and understanding of the core   is made up of retirees, most of whom are teachers.
              Buddhist teachings                              Indeed, we need to identify and groom younger
                                                              members with leadership potential to take over from
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