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           the current management team, many of whom are      (morality) and Bhavana (meditation), one can easily
           getting old. Unfortunately, Teluk Intan is a small town   understand the deeper teachings of impermanence
           where job opportunities are limited. Many of our   (anicca), suffering (dukkha) and non-self (anattā).
           Dharma students leave the town for Kuala Lumpur or   In my case, the sustained practice of loving kindness
           other bigger cities to study and later to work. Though   (mettā bhavana) and both concentration meditation
           they are a loss to Teluk Intan, some of these young   and insight meditation have helped me to carry on my
           Buddhists later become active Buddhist leaders in   Dharma practice and missionary work. I am convinced
           various Dharma centers in the bigger cities.       the gift of the Dharma surpasses all other gifts!

           Despite the difficulties, we continue to identify and   Constant contemplation on the Four Foundations of
           groom younger members to become leaders of the     Mindfulness, particularly the Contemplation on Dharma,
           association through various programs such as       is one of the most important practices for me. One has
           1.  Dharma camps for students and youths           to strive on mindfully to grow in faith, compassion, and
           2.  Dharma Classes and academic guidance classes   wisdom. I constantly remind myself to contemplate
           3.  Guidance and Dharma-based programs for students   and make the aspiration to be committed to Buddhist
              of Buddhist societies in schools                missionary work. At the same time I continue to strive
           4.  Sponsorship of courses on leadership and       on ardently and diligently in my Dharma practice.
              management and seminars conducted by national
              Buddhist organizations such as YBAM or MBA.     Can you share some stories that are close to your
                                                              heart whereby you believe the members have really
           What sustained your commitment in carrying on      benefited from some of the activities carried out by
           missionary work for so many decades?               the association over the years?

           Over the last 30 years, I have seen many active    Oh yes, over the last 30 years there have been many
           Buddhist leaders fading out from Dharmaduta work or   memorable happenings that made my confidence in
           involvement in Dharma-based activities. The reasons   the power of the Dharma soar to great heights. Let me
           are manifold – ‘burnt-out’, caught in the worldly trap of   narrate a few.
           sensual pursuits, career and family matters, and loss of
                                                              An Asura Case?
           interest in the Dharma. Some unfortunately have also
           converted to another religion!
                                                              Ah Chai (not his real name) was a Sunday School student
           I believe the primary reason why Buddhist missionary   of mine in the early 1990s. He was a very hot-tempered
           workers fade out is due to insufficient study, practice,   and aggressive kid showing very difficult character
           and realization of the sublime Dharma.  If one has   traits, many resembling those of an Asura, a class of
           diligently practiced the Noble Eight-fold Path and   belligerent divine beings in Buddhist cosmology. While
           understood the meaning of Dāna (generosity), Sīla   at school, he created many problems and was once
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