Page 19 - EH56
P. 19


                    psychology? And, since it gets special    connection between these two things.
                    emphasis in the book, it might be helpful
                    if you can explain what evolutionary      How so?
                    psychology is.
                                                              Well, for instance, there’s the Buddhist
                    Evolutionary psychology is the study of how   idea that one reason we suffer is that we
                    the human mind came to be the way it is as a   don’t really see and live in accordance with
                    result of natural selection. In writing my book   the reality of impermanence. For example,
                    about evolutionary psychology, The Moral   we don’t recognize that gratification is

                    Animal, I became convinced of two things:   impermanent. The happiness we get upon
                    that the mind was not designed to see the   attaining some goal—eating some food,
                    world clearly and that we weren’t designed   having sex, or whatever—tends to evaporate
                    to be happy. Yes, in some cases, the mind   fairly quickly. Evolutionary psychology, I
                    does a good job of perceiving the everyday   think, gives us a pretty plausible explanation
                    world, but that was not the bottom-line   of why this happens: if it didn’t, then animals
                    criterion of natural selection. The bottom-  wouldn’t keep pursuing their goals of eating
                    line criterion in natural selection is to favor   and having more sex. And, of course, those are
                    traits that do a good job of getting genes into   things that are part of getting genes into the
                    the next generation. And if having illusions   next generation.
                    about yourself or other people will help get
                    genes into the next generation, then natural   In other words, suffering is conducive to
                    selection will favor a tendency toward    genetic proliferation and so suffering is built
                    illusion. This has an obvious connection to   into us. From this perspective, it makes sense
                    Buddhism, since Buddhism holds that we    that we would be engineered to focus more on
                    indeed tend to suffer from illusion unless we   the gratification that reaching a given goal is
                    work to dispel it.                        going to bring rather than on the fact that the
                                                              gratification is going to evaporate and leave us
                    The other takeaway from evolutionary      restless and unhappy afterwards.
                    psychology, that we weren’t designed to
                    be happy, also has a clear connection to   This kind of suffering is very subtly and
                    Buddhism. We were designed to have        deeply built into us.
                    recurring dissatisfaction with the state of
                    things and to suffer in specific ways because   Would you say that all dukkha or suffering
                    emotions like fear, sadness, and anxiety can   can be attributed to natural selection?
                    help us get our genes into the next generation.
                    For example, being anxious about our social   I would say all suffering is the result of
                    standing seems to have been favored by    natural selection only if you include things
                    natural selection because being held in high   that are the result of natural selection in a
                    esteem was correlated, during evolution, with   very indirect way. A certain amount of the
                    getting genes into the next generation.   suffering we experience was not “intended”
                                                              by natural selection. (Whenever I personify
                    Finally, I would say that not only does   natural selection by saying it designs
                    evolutionary psychology corroborate the   things or intends things, I, of course, have
                    Buddhist ideas that we suffer and that we   to use quotes because it’s not a conscious
                    tend to not see the world clearly; I think it   process.) In the modern environment, we
                    also supports the Buddhist idea that there’s a   encounter situations that were not part of
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