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           By HH the 14th Dalai Lama

                                             His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, is the spiritual
                                             leader of Tibet. He was born on 6 July 1935, to a farming family,
                                             in a small hamlet located in Taktser, Amdo, northeastern Tibet. At
                                             the age of two the child, who was named Lhamo Dhondup at that
                                             time was recognized as the reincarnation of the 13th Dalai Lama,
                                             Thubten Gyatso. The Dalai Lamas are believed to be manifestations
                                             of Avalokiteshvara or Chenrezig, the Bodhisattva of Compassion
                                             and patron saint of Tibet. Bodhisattvas are enlightened beings who
                                             have postponed their own nirvana and chosen to take rebirth in
                                             order to serve humanity. In May 2012, His holiness was awarded the
                                             distinguished Templeton Prize. This was awarded for His commitment
                                             to interfaith relations and in 1989 he was awarded the Nobel Peace
                                             Prize for his non-violent struggle for the liberation of Tibet. He has
                                             consistently advocated policies of non-violence, even in the face of
                                             extreme aggression. He also became the first Nobel Laureate to be
                                             recognized for his concern for global environmental problems

                                             The Purpose of Life Is to         “sentient being” means, according
                                             Strive for Happiness              to the discussions that I’ve had

                                                                               with scientists. “Sentient” doesn’t
                                             We are here; we exist and we have   necessarily mean being conscious
                                             the right to exist. Even non-sentient   or being human on a conscious
                                             beings like flowers have the right   level. Actually it’s difficult to
                                             to exist. If negative force is exerted   define what “consciousness” or
                                             against them, then, on a chemical   “conscious” means. Usually it
                                             level, flowers repair themselves   means the clearest aspect of the
                                             to survive. But more than that, we   mind, but then, is it that there is
                                             human beings including insects,   no consciousness when we are
                                             even amoebas, the smallest beings   semiconscious or unconscious? Do
                                             are considered sentient beings.   insects have it? Maybe it’s better to
                                             And as sentient beings, we have   speak of “cognitive faculty” rather
                                             even more mechanisms to help us   than consciousness.
                                                                               In any case, the main point that we
                                             Things that can move under their   are referring to here by cognitive
                                             own will or desire, that’s what a   faculty is the ability to experience
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