Page 27 - EH56
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           the part of our intelligence and brain that functions   If we pay attention only to that level, that’s not enough.
           to differentiate right from wrong and make the best   Genuine happiness and satisfaction must come from
           decision, that works very poorly. Even great leaders   within.
           experience it like that.
                                                              The basic elements for that are compassion and human
           Therefore, compassion and affection help the brain to   affection, and these come from biology. As an infant,
           function more smoothly. Secondarily, compassion gives us   our survival depends solely on affection. If affection is
           inner strength; it gives us self-confidence and that reduces   there, we feel safe. If it’s not there, we feel anxiety and
           fear, which, in turn, keeps our mind calm. Therefore,   insecure. If we become separated from our mother,
           compassion has two functions: it causes our brain to   we cry. If we are in our mother’s arms and held tight,
           function better and it brings inner strength. These, then,   warmly, then we feel happy and we’re quiet. As a baby,
           are the causes of happiness. I feel it is like that.  this is a biological factor. One scientist for instance, my
                                                              teacher, a biologist who is involved with anti-nuclear
           Now other faculties, of course, are also good for   violence – he told me that after birth, a mother’s
           happiness. Everybody likes money, for example. If we   physical touch for several weeks is very important for
           have money, then we can enjoy good facilities. Usually,   enlarging the baby’s brain and development. It brings
           we consider these the topmost important things, but   a feeling of safety and comfort and this leads to proper
           I think it’s not like that. Material comfort can come   development of physical growth, including the brain.
           through physical effort, but mental comfort has to
           come through mental effort. If we go to a shop and offer   So, the seed of compassion and affection is not
           money to the shopkeeper and say that we want to buy   something that comes from religion: it comes from
           peace of mind, they will say they have nothing to sell.   biology. We each came from our mother’s womb and
           Many shopkeepers will feel that this is something mad   each of us survived due to our mother’s care and
           and they will laugh at us. Some injection or pill can   affection. In the Indian tradition, we consider birth
           maybe bring temporary happiness or calmness of mind,   from a lotus in a pure land. That sounds very nice,
           but not at the fullest level. We can see with the example   but perhaps the people there have more affection for
           of counseling that we need to tackle emotions through   lotuses than for people. So being born from a mother’s
           discussion and reasoning. Thus, we must use a mental   womb is better. Then we are already equipped with
           approach. Therefore whenever I give talks, I say that we   the seed of compassion. So, those are the causes of
           modern people think too much of external development.   happiness. EH
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