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           still influence the way you react or behave in the world,   friend, at early sunrise they will torture you with a
           and yes, through Dharma practice you will be able to   hundred spears, again at midday and again at sunset.
           see those things, but its ok if it is too difficult at this   Now friend, being tortured like that day by day with
           moment because you feel you are alone in the world   three hundred spears, you will live on to be a hundred
           or that there is nothing important or worthy of doing.   years of age and at the end of your hundred years you
           There are people that have trained themselves to use   shall comprehend the Four Noble Truths as yet not
           psychological tools that can help you. Use all there is   comprehended.”
           available to get better. Don’t neglect your meditation
           practice and Dharma practice, don’t let the struggle   Well, mendicants, a clansman who had any sense might
           defeat you. Don’t let social prejudice determine who you   well undertake the torture. Why? Because, mendicants,
           are or what you want. Remember the famous summary   unimaginable is the beginning of this wandering on.
           of the Dharma:                                     The earliest point of blows from spears, swords and
                                                              axes is not seen. Even if this were to happen to you,
           Dhammapada Verse 183                               mendicants, I would not declare the full comprehension
           English:                                           of the Four Noble Truths to be won with sorrow and
           To not do evil, to cultivate the wholesome,        woe, but with joy and gladness”. (sahāva, sukhena,
           To purify one’s mind, this is the teaching of all   sahāva somanassa)
           Awakened Ones.
                                                              There is the wrong idea that the Buddha taught
           Pāli:                                              that “life is suffering”. But in the first discourse,
           Sabba pāpassa akaraṇaṁ, kusalassa upasampadā       Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, he summarizes the
           Sacitta pariyodapanaṁ, etaṁ buddhāna sāsanaṁ.      First Noble Truth as, the five aggregates of clinging, life
                                                              with clinging or clinging experience is unsatisfactory
           So do good. Make the Right Effort to increase the   and suffering (dukkha):
           wholesome and decrease the unwholesome. To have
           a crisis can be so tough that it can lead you to some   “Now this, bhikkhus, is the noble truth of suffering:
           very serious consequences, or at worse to suicide.   birth is suffering, aging is suffering, illness is suffering,
           Remember the Dharma and reflect that even famous,   death is suffering; union with what is displeasing is
           successful people that supposedly have everything   suffering; separation from what is pleasing is suffering;
           everyone wants have committed suicide. We see it   not to get what one wants is suffering; in brief, the five
           quite often. Many successful people now go around the   aggregates subject to clinging are suffering.”
           world telling their stories to encourage people to help
           themselves and to recognize when the subject matter is   jātipi dukkhā, jarāpi dukkhā, byādhipi dukkho,
           going out of their control. Listen to the people that care   maraṇampi dukkhaṃ, appiyehi sampayogodukkho,
           for you and check if there is truth in their worries and   piyehi vippayogo dukkho, yampicchaṃ na labhati
           ask for advice. There is nothing wrong, you are not a   tampi dukkhaṃ—saṃkhittena pañcupādānakkhandhā
           failure. The Buddha taught wholesome action to devote   dukkhā.
           your life to true happiness, not only to a hormone that
           feels pleasant or a sensual pleasure that gives very   Not paying attention to the discourses of the
           short intense pleasant sensations, but to devote your   enlightened one, we might misunderstand his message.
           life to a deep profound peace that is beyond that. When   We cannot leave out the word attachment  or upādāna
           we practice the Dharma correctly, joy will rise, as it is   here. If life is unsatisfactory and suffering, then it would
           recorded in the discourses of the Buddha:          seem the logical way out of suffering would be to end
                                                              life, but it is not. Let’s not blame the tools here. The
           “Suppose, mendicants, there was a man whose span of   problem resides in our own minds . We cling to pleasure
           life was to be a hundred years. They said to him: “Look   and try to avoid pain, and we create expectations that are
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