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           much, whatever the source of that might have been, a   The anxiety and despair that come with depressive
           broken family, a failed marriage, consistent bullying at   states don’t allow us to think clearly and can even make
           school, failing to meet social expectations, etc.  our bodies too sick to be able to sustain the fight against
                                                              depression. The biochemistry in our brain can change
           However, no matter what the reasons were, people   for the better with meditation and Dharma practice,
           would criticize them. Even I did so when I was younger,   and so in the same way it can change for the worse
           thinking that it was their fault for not being strong   if we keep feeding it with negative or unwholesome
           enough, or that they were just lazy and didn’t want to   thoughts. Meditation practice is very useful, the right
           take control of their own lives. That is, until I suffered   concentration recorded in the early texts in the form of
           from depression myself.                            the first four jhānas, or altered states of consciousness,
                                                              include pleasure and happiness, in the form of piti
           It was only then when you realize that you don’t know   and sukha. Those sensations could be related to the
           what causes the despair; the anxiety is too strong to   neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin, showing us
           handle. You feel worse by thinking that other people   that we can train our minds to produce them and bring
           actually suffer real pain while you are ungrateful for all the   us wholesome well-being.
           blessings in your life. But you still cannot handle it, you
           blame yourself for being weak, and become even harder   So our task is to diligently work our way out of this,
           on yourself because of this, and it all become a vortex of   practicing the Dharma and ending unsatisfactoriness
           negative emotions with an unimaginable way out.    and suffering for our own benefit and the benefit of
                                                              others. We are very fortunate to live in an era where we
           Our thoughts become our enemies. They create the   still have the teachings of the Buddha available to us,
           conditions with the result being more and more     and there is a growing knowledge of other factors that
           unsatisfactoriness and suffering. The Buddha was well   influence our brain's functions, such as the food or the
           aware of this.  He rediscovered a way to end all the   entertainment we choose. We also have psychotherapy
           suffering we create with our minds. His dharma points   in so many different forms that fit a wide range of
           us to the way to learn to deal with our inner processes   personal preferences or conditions. So use them.  Look
           and to grow above them, as a lotus flower from the   for help without shame. There is nothing wrong or
           muddy pond grows above the muck and mire to thrive   reprehensible in feeling terrible and wanting to get
           “happily”. He also pointed to a way of life devoted to   better. On the contrary, acknowledging that you want
           happiness that is wholesome and not dependent on   help to improve is worthy of praise. That is the first step.
           pleasuring our senses. However, usually some people   The Dharma advises us to have admirable friendship,
           need help. And that’s ok. There is no need to feel   spiritual friends or companions, people around us to
           ashamed. Don’t think you are not worthy, or that you   help us grow and improve, to get better. We have this
           have lost the battle, or that you are a failure because,   Dharma. How lucky!
           even with the dharma, you can’t handle it. Please don’t
           do so. Don’t be hard on yourself, go easy on yourself.   Nowadays the Dharma has permeated, or at least
           These attitudes are hardwired in our brains and it’s   influenced, psychotherapies around the world. You can
           very hard to unwire them. We condition our minds to   find mindfulness based stress reduction therapy and
           treat ourselves badly, then we get really good at it!    cognitive behavioral therapy among many others that,
                                                              not surprisingly, have insights that are found in the
           This condition is real. Depression is a real thing and   teachings of the Buddha. The enlightened one is the
           it’s hurting so many people out there, or maybe even   supreme physician, yes, but if you need some support to
           right where you are reading this article. There are many   get out of the well of depression, reach out your hands
           different types of depressions and diagnosis, and some of   and ask for it. There might be something wrong in your
           them might go undercover in our day to day business, or   brain that can be treated; there might be the case that
           we simply avoid looking at it by constantly distracting us.  you are unaware of the episodes in your childhood that
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