Page 34 - EH56
P. 34


                                     FIVE ADVANTAGES

                                     OF LISTENING TO

                                     THE DHAMMA

                                     By Āyasmā Kumāra Bhikkhu

                                     Āyasmā Kumāra Bhikkhu was born in 1972. He was ordained a Buddhist
                                     monk in 1999 at the age of 27 by Sayadaw U Revata at Subang Jaya Buddhist
                                     Association. He graduated with a Bachelor's degree in education (Teaching
                                     English as a Second Language) from the University of Malaya. It was during
                                     his studies there that he became enthusiastic about the Buddha’s teachings
                                     and decided that he wanted to live this life as a monk. Since then, with his
                                     training in education, he has been sharing the Dhamma in various ways and
                                     in several languages (mainly English, Mandarin and Hokkien) with Buddhists
                                     of various traditions and non-Buddhists too. Inspired by Sayadaw U Tejaniya
                                     (, his main meditation teacher, he is interested in
                                     cultivating wisdom that removes the causes of suffering. He is also influenced
                                     by Āyasmā Aggacitta to be open to Dhamma teachings beyond orthodoxy and
                                     tradition, so long as they work towards the ending of suffering. Having found his
                                     way, he is happy to help others do so too. Currently, he resides in Sāsanārakkha
                                     Buddhist Sanctuary (, Taiping, Perak.

                                     Many of you have listened to many     Today I would like to highlight the five
                                     Dhamma talks. I suppose you see the   advantages of listening to the Dhamma
                                     benefits of doing this, otherwise you   based on the Dhammassavana Sutta (AN
                                     wouldn’t be listening to them. It is also   5.202).
                                     mentioned in the Mangala Sutta (Khp
                                     5) that timely listening to the Dhamma   Learn new things......
                                     is one of the highest blessings. When
                                     we find something good, especially    On each occasion that a person listens to
                                     something that benefits us spiritually, it   the Dhamma, he is likely to be exposed
                                     is good to share or introduce it to others.   to new information and knowledge.
                                     Doing so would also be to our own     This is especially so for a new student
                                     benefit.                              of Buddhism. But even for those who
                                                                           may have heard the subject before,
                                                                           listening to it again can bring about a
                                                                           new perceptive and perhaps even deeper
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