Page 37 - EH56
P. 37


           Interestingly, the Buddha (who    •  Was hospitable to his friends   single or married (contrary to the
           knew what it was like to be in       and relatives;                 Hollywood tripe that is piddled
           love, marry, and have a child), had   •  Was faithful to him (it is   around so gratuitously via the
           his own opinion about an ideal       interesting to note that       vehicle of American media). That
           marriage. It can be achieved if a    faithfulness is the third piece   is the whole point of practicing the
           husband loves and respects his wife   of advice for both husband and   Buddhist path. But as it is, there
           in the following ways:               wife, and aligns identically with   are many important aspects to
                                                the Third Precept of refraining   marriage. Aside from the emotional,
           •   Being courteous to her;          from sexual misconduct);       creative, and sexual possibilities it
           •   Appreciating her (this point   •  Took care of the family’s wealth;  can offer, those in a marriage are
               seems obvious, but can be     •  Was industrious (hoo boy.      privileged with the opportunity
               forgotten);                      Another thing the Buddha might   to pool their strengths and talents
           •   Being faithful to her;           be taken to task for due to its   together, building with each other
           •   Sharing authority with her in    possibly sexist subtext).      a future that would be better than
               family matters (this seems to be                                one if they were apart. For a couple,
               a progressive foresight for the   From a modern perspective, it is   happiness shared is happiness
               Buddha’s historical context);  perhaps no longer enough for each   doubled, but suffering shared is
           •   Giving her presents (from     party to fulfill just five steps. I do   suffering halved. And that might
               the Buddha’s foresight or his   not see why the husband should not   be why the Thus Come treasured
               personal experience? If only we   manage the household well, and it   marriage as a unit that brings
               knew).                        would seem obvious that a courtesy   stability, satisfaction, and sunshine.
                                             is important to both. Perhaps the   EH
           Both parties share responsibilities,   ideal is that both partners adopt all
           and the Buddha spoke of the ideal   ten.                            Source: Buddhistdoor Global, 2010-
           wife as someone who:                                                01-01
                                             When a Buddhist marries, they are
           •  Managed the household well (I   not supposed to feel like something
              think some feminists would like   was missing before they took their
              to have a word with the Buddha   vows. People should feel whole and
              about this);                   complete in themselves, be they
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