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           FROM THE BUDDHA’S


           By Raymond Lam

           Raymond Lam is Senior Writer
           at Buddhist Door Global (www.
  ) in Hong Kong.
                                             Last year in Hong Kong, several   Of course, let us not ignore the
           He holds a M.A. in Religions      venerables and other monks        elephant in the room: marriages
           (Buddhist Studies) from School of   gathered together to marry the   are not guarantors of happiness.
           Oriental and African Studies, M.A   daughter of a Buddhist and her new   In fact, I’ll go even further: people
           in Christianity and Inter-religious   husband. A joyous milestone indeed,   underestimate how free and
           Studies from Heythrop College,    but Buddhist love remains, at its   meaningful the single life can
           both from the University of       core, very realistic. According to   be. Buddhists should know this
           London, and a B.A. in Philosophy   the traditional account of marriage,   better than most - our role models
           and Religious Studies from        union is not really holy (in fact,   - monastics - somewhat tend
           the University of Queensland,     it is nothing more than a mutual   to be single. So let’s not pay lip
           Australia.                        promise of commitment, much like   service to their commitment to the
                                             secular marriage). Buddhism also   Dharma while denying ourselves
                                             allows for all kinds of marriages   the possibility that the single life
                                             depending on the culture – this is an   is often a highly productive (and
                                             undeniable historical phenomenon.   sometimes preferable) one. Then
                                             In our globalized, largely secular   perhaps we can appreciate marriage
                                             age, monogamy is the acceptable   in a more realistic and effective way
                                             contract of love, and that is how the   - it is a way of life that needs work,
                                             Buddha rolls with his ten points of   not a one way street to bliss in the
                                             guidance for husbands and wives   fairytale’s sunset.
                                             (five for each).
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