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           especially young ones, marry for   At a public talk in Los Angeles, 1975  societal obligations; having a
           very superficial reasons: “I like him;   Question: Lama, what do you think   baby is a big responsibility. So,
           let’s get married; I like her, let’s get   about marriage?          for those who cannot control
           married.” There’s not much thought                                  their desire for sexual pleasure,
           given to how they’re going to spend   Lama: Marriage is good; because   contraception is essential. Also,
           their life together or much analysis   of marriage, you and I exist on   if you can prevent an unwanted
           of each other’s personality. People   Earth. Without marriage most   pregnancy from occurring, you
           are too influenced by external    of us wouldn’t exist. I have some   eliminate the possibility of having
           appearance; true beauty lies within.   Christian friends I like and respect   to consider killing the fetus by
           People’s faces and behavior are   very much. Many Christian couples   abortion. Buddhism explains that
           constantly changing; you can’t rely   have a good relationship because   for a sentient being to come from
           on them.                          they keep love of God in their    the intermediate state into a human
                                             heart. I’ve also heard they have the   rebirth the mother’s womb should
           Because we lack the knowledge     attitude that sex is for reproduction,   be healthy and unobstructed. In
           wisdom to understand each other’s   not for pleasure. I think that’s a very   other words, the conditions should
           inner, human qualities, we easily   good idea.                      be perfect. If you interrupt the
           disrespect our partner. When things                                 conditions through contraception,
           don’t work out as planned, when   Question: What about              it’s OK. It’s certainly better
           our partner no longer appears     contraception?                    than madness. This is my own
           attractive, our marriage fails. That’s   Lama: I’m not going to talk about   observation; I hope it doesn’t upset
           because it was built one hundred   the Buddhist point of view; I’m   anybody.
           percent on ego; it was totally an   going to talk about this monk’s
           ego-based relationship. No wonder   point of view. I have to be careful.   Question: Well, Lama, what about
           it didn’t work.                   However, my observation of the    abortion?
                                             Western world is that contraception
           A marriage built on mutual        is a very good thing because many   Lama: For Buddhists, abortion is
           understanding, good               young people are not ready to have   difficult. It’s a question of morality,
           communication and sincere efforts   children and when they do, instead   or ethics. But still, it’s a relative
           to help each other has a much     of growing, they go crazy. I have   question. Let’s say that you don’t
           better chance of lasting. Mental   students like this. They are young,   have an abortion and that the
           communication is much better than   super-intelligent and well educated,   next twenty years of your life are
           physical. That is very important.   but as soon as they have babies they   miserable. And even more misery
           Superficial relationships, those   become unbelievably miserable. I’ve   comes from that. Yet you think
           based on mainly external factors,   seen intelligent, worldly-wise girls   nothing of killing fish and small
           never last.                       suddenly become terrible, with no   animals. Relatively, which is worse?
                                             capability, no happiness, and no love   Good and bad are relative; good
           Let’s say a couple buys a new piece   for their man; they hate everything.   karma and bad karma are relative.
           of furniture. The husband says,   It’s incredible. If those girls hadn’t   I’m not making any statement here;
           “Put it here,” the wife says, “No, put   had babies, over time, they could   it’s just something for you to think
           it there,” and a huge fight ensues.   have become incredibly spiritually   about. EH
           Here, there, what difference does   developed.
           it make? It’s foolish and narrow-                                   At a course on death and rebirth,
           minded, but that’s how things go.  Parenthood brings with it many   London, 1981
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