Page 44 - EH56
P. 44



           (SN 57.1)

           By Bernat Font

                                    Bernat Font encountered the dharma as a teenager. He is particularly interested
                                    in early Buddhism and how it can give birth to fresh perspectives to 21st-century
                                    lives. His meditation practice is very influenced by the teachings of Sayadaw
                                    U Tejaniya. He recently graduated from the Community Dharma Leadership
                                    program, mentored by Stephen Batchelor, and completed a Master’s degree in
                                    Buddhist Studies by the University of South Wales. He balances the dharma with
                                    his career as a jazz pianist. He leads a sitting group in his hometown Barcelona
                                    and he blogs at

                                     Thus have I imagined. At one time, the Fortunate One was staying in Silicon Valley. There,
                                     he addressed the monks (bhikkhus) thus: “Bhikkhus.” “Venerable sir,” they replied.

                                     “These things should not be cultivated with regards to Facebook by one gone forth.
                                     Which things? Thoughts of greed, thoughts of aversion, ignorance of filter bubbles. One
                                     who has entered the eightfold path does not engage in individuality-view posting, nor
                                     crave for likes, nor has the conceit ‘I share’.

                                     “Bhikkhus, when an uninstructed person senses a post with his device, which is an
                                     advertisement, a TED Talk, an impressive headline, thoughts of greed arise in him. Why?
                                     Here, bhikkhus, an uninstructed person gives inappropriate attention to the sign of
                                     instant, magical solutions. Thus, when an uninstructed person senses a post with their
                                     device, which is an advertisement, a TED Talk, an impressive headline, thoughts of greed
                                     arise in him.

                                     “Bhikkhus, when an uninstructed person senses a post with her device, which is a rant,
                                     an alarmist article, an impressive headline, thoughts of aversion arise in her. Why? Here,
                                     bhikkhus, an uninstructed person gives inappropriate attention to the sign of fatalism.
                                     Thus, when an uninstructed person senses a post with their device, which is a rant, a
                                     catastrophist article, an impressive headline, thoughts of aversion arise in her.

                                     “Whenever an uninstructed person goes online, Māra stands besides him.

                                     “Bhikkhus, when a noble disciple senses a post with his device, which is an advertisement,
                                     a TED Talk, an impressive headline, he reflects thus: this is harmful, it leads to craving, to
                                     renewed frustration and seeking, it obstructs wise action, it takes away freedom. Here,
                                     bhikkhus, seeing much danger, a noble disciple gives appropriate attention to the sign
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