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P. 38


                                             ON MARRIAGE

                                             By Venerable Lama Thubten Yeshe

                                                The following article and Q&A sessions about marriage and
                                                relationships were collated by Dr Nicholas Ribush from talks in
                                                various locations from 1975 to 1981.  An excerpt was published
                                                in Mandala magazine, August 2004.

                                             These days, one of the main reasons   wrong motivation. Whether you’re
                                             that a man and a woman become     a man or a woman, it’s important
                                             friends is sexual. They get together   that there’s not too much grasping
                                             for sexual pleasure. In earlier times,   in your relationship, that you don’t
                                             marriage had a divine quality—a   agitate your partner. Extreme
                                             couple came together out of respect,   grasping at sexual pleasure is a
                                             with the aim of creating a kind   problem; sexual pleasure is an
                                             of totality. That gave meaning to   irritant. You can see.
                                             getting married, and marriages
           Lama Yeshe during the Yucca Valley   made with such purpose became   However, many couples aren’t
           course, 1977. Photo by Carol Royce-  good ones.                     together for the sex. Their
           Wilder.                                                             relationship is deeper than that, so

                                             Many of today’s marriages become   their attitude is different. They are
                                             disastrous because they lack      very comfortable, free, somehow,
                                             purpose; there’s no worthwhile    with no tremendous expectations
                                             goal for coming together. A couple   of each other. Therefore, they have
                                             should not come together out of   a good relationship. I’m sure you’ve
                                             grasping at each other; there should   seen examples of such couples,
                                             be more meaning to it than that.   where there’s not much grasping.
                                             But our craving desire and lack of   In my limited experience of the
                                             wisdom work together to create    Western world, many Christians,
                                             an extreme situation that finishes   who believe in God, have very
                                             up causing conflict: the woman    respectful marriages. They
                                             agitates her man; the man agitates   believe in something deeper than
                                             his woman—in either case, it ends   themselves and are not living for
                                             in “goodbye.”                     sense pleasure alone. I would say
                                                                               that such couples have been blessed
                                             These days, I travel the entire world   by God or Jesus.
                                             and many young people come to
                                             see me to discuss their relationship   Of course, many people these days
                                             problems, but they all boil down to   believe that Coca-Cola is better than
                                             people’s coming together out of the   God. “What’s the point of religion?”
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