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                                                        DON’T TAKE
           not met, and therefore suffer. This becomes a
           thought pattern that can shape your reality and
           make you sick. Your brain will stop functioning
           correctly and eventually your body will do so as   THE EASY WAY
           well. In the worst case, a very hard life event, an
           emotional or existential crisis can bring you to
           the edge of suicide if we don’t take the proper   OUT
           measures to deal with them.
                                                        By Venerable Chang Zao
           We should remember to be an island unto
           ourselves, where we empower ourselves
                                                                                 Ordained as a Buddhist nun in
           to take the steps necessary to overcome
                                                                                 the Chinese Mahāyāna Buddhist
           suffering and understand the conditions that
                                                                                 tradition, Venerable Chang
           make it possible. With the Dharma as our
                                                                                 Zao is currently the Director
           refuge, we practice the Middle Way diligently
           to set the most beneficial conditions for our                         of Dharma Drum Mountain
           development, practicing the jhānas to rewire                          Buddhist Centre Malaysia.
           our brains, and surrounding ourselves with
           admirable friendship that supports our      She graduated from the National University of Malaysia,
           practice.                                   KL Campus and later pursued her studies at Dharma Drum
                                                       Sangha University, Taiwan, in 2007. She ordained and
           Depression and mental illness are a very
                                                       learned Chan meditation under Master Sheng Yen, the key
           serious matter. We should treat them as such
                                                       figure in the revival of modern Chinese Chan Buddhism.
           by taking all measures possible and using
           the tools available to help us find peace. The
                                                       After she graduated from Dharma Drum Sangha University,
           Buddha showed us the way, now, we have to
           walk it.  EH                                she was appointed as a lecturer and advisor for various
                                                       faculties at Public Education Center of Dharma Drum
                                                       Mountain Taiwan. During her time at the center, she
           1.   Digha Nikaya 26
           2.   "Jhana Sutta: Mental Absorption" (AN 9.36),   supervised the development of dharma syllabus and course
                                                       planning. She is also advisor for Dharma Drum Mountain
               translated from the Pali by Thanissaro
               Bhikkhu. Access to Insight (BCBS Edition), 30
                                                       Singapore and Dharma Drum Mountain Thailand.
               November 2013, http://www.accesstoinsight.
                                                       Currently, she conducts meditation classes, retreats,
               org/tipitaka/an/an09/an09.036.than.html .
                                                       religious services, dharma classes and various inter-varsity
                                                       Buddhist camps in Malaysia.
           3.   Samyuta NIkaya 56 4. In a rosewood forest, 35.
               A Hundred Spears. Translated for SuttaCentral
               by Sujato Bhikkhu.
                                                       At the beginning of this year, I stopped being a lurker on
           4.   Bhikkhu Bodhi, The Connected Discourses
                                                       Facebook and was motivated to make a post on the first
               of the Buddha (Wisdom Publications, 2000).
                                                       morning of the year.
           5.   It is of course not my intention here to
               minimize extremely hard life conditions.   “Before becoming a Buddhist, my wishes and prayers have
               I understand I can`t comprehend all the   always been about myself – I’ve always prayed to acquire
               suffering some people take.             something or to achieve something. I have always hoped for
                                                       external circumstances to come together to fulfil my wishes.
                                                       Only then would I conclude that the year has been fruitful.
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