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                                             DHARMA AND


                                             By Sergio Leon

           Sergio León Candia was born in    Probably most of us have been there to some degree, at least once. We
           Santiago de Chile, South America.   probably have felt sadness, despair, sorrow or grief for different reasons. We
           He Holds a Bachelor in Education   are aware of the existence of these emotions. It is normal for humans to feel
           degree and is a P.E teacher and   them. Sometimes we succeed in overcoming them. The Buddha´s motivation
           Personal Trainer. Later he studied   was to look for freedom from them, to end unsatisfactoriness and suffering
           English in New York, USA, and     (dukkha). And yet we keep going, looking for more pleasure and happiness
           became a TEFL teacher. In 2011    until the conditions aren´t what we expected and we feel those negative
           he came to Thailand and went      emotions again and again, over our whole lifetime. It is part of life some
                                             would say. But I understand that the Buddha taught that they are part of
           on different meditation retreats.
                                             an unenlightened life, a life of clinging. They originate in an ignorance that
           He holds a Master’s degree
                                             doesn’t let us see things as they really are, and from the clinging to pleasure
           in Buddhist Studies from the
                                             and aversion to pain that we naturally develop. It is in our DNA to do so.
           International Buddhist College in
                                             The Buddha taught a way to overcome this, and I think that everything he
           Thailand. He has a Permaculture   taught was to be free from these negative emotions that permeate and that
           Designer Certificate and is the   sometimes overcome us, sometimes more often that we wish. We try our
           founder and director of an        best to practice the middle way taught by Him. Sometimes we succeed, but
           ecological project in Chile.      sometimes we don’t. Sometimes these negative emotions grow and grow
                                             until they become so strong that we are not able to disconnect from them
                                             anymore. Although we have our Dharma medicine to cope with it, we still
                                             sometimes fail. Or so we think. Can you imagine how it is for people who
                                             don’t even have the Dharma to support them?

                                             The Buddha advised that we become an island to ourselves, to be our own
                                             refuge, with the Dharma as our only refuge. It is our responsibility to train
                                             diligently to end unsatisfactoriness.  I have faith that this is possible. But
                                             sometimes we can’t see the light. Sometimes these emotions of anxiety and
                                             despair take control; we become them, we make them our own. We are born
                                             in a realm of anger, sadness, and despair and create a hell for ourselves.
                                             Often there are many factors that influence this reality. The main one is our
                                             mind and its reactions to what surround us and what is within us. Many
                                             times that is a burden too heavy to carry around, and we fall. Hard.

                                             I was raised in a culture where anyone who suffered from depression,
                                             sadness, or despair was label as “weak” and “a failure”. They were pointed
                                             to as someone who wasn’t strong enough to cope with life’s difficulties. In a
                                             way, that was true. They couldn’t cope. But it is not because they were weak
                                             but because for some people, the unsatisfactoriness and suffering was too
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