Page 24 - EH56
P. 24


           His Holiness the Dalai Lama answering a question about compassion during a dialogue with students at MIT’s Kresge Auditorium in Boston, MA, USA
           on October 31, 2014. (Photo by Brian Lima)

           feelings: pain, pleasure, or neutral feelings. Actually,   and helps its growth. Our body, on a physical level, is
           pleasure and pain, and happiness and unhappiness,   the same. But, as humans, our body also has a positive
           are things that we need to examine in more depth.   element on the emotional level that brings us to have
           For example, every sentient being has the right to   attachment to someone or attachment to our own
           survive and, for survival, this means having a desire for   happiness. Anger, on other hand, with its element of
           happiness or comfort: that’s why sentient beings strive   causing harm, pushes us away from things including
           to survive. Therefore, our survival is based on hope –   happiness. On a physical level, the pleasure that
           hope for something good: happiness. Because of that,   happiness brings is good for the body; while anger and
           I always conclude that the purpose of life is happiness.   the unhappiness it causes is harmful. Therefore, from
           With hope and a happy feeling, our body feels well.   the perspective of the pursuit of survival, the purpose of
           Therefore, hope and happiness are positive factors for   life is to have a happy life.
           our health. Health depends on a happy state of mind.
                                                              This is the basic human level that I am speaking about;
           Anger, on the other hand, is based on a sense of   I am not speaking about the religious, secondary level.
           insecurity and brings us fear. When we encounter   On the religious level, of course there are different
           something good, we feel safe. When something       explanations of the purpose of life. The secondary
           threatens us, we feel insecure and then we become   aspect is actually quite complicated; therefore, it is
           angry. Anger is a part of the mind that defends itself   better to talk just on the basic human level.
           from what harms our survival. But anger itself makes us
                                                              What Is Happiness?
           feel bad and so, ultimately, it is bad for our health.

           Attachment is an element that is helpful for survival.   Since our goal and the purpose of life is happiness, what
           So, even a plant, without any conscious element, still   is happiness? Sometimes physical suffering can even
           has some chemical aspect that causes it to protect itself   bring a deeper sense of satisfaction like with an athlete
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