Page 20 - EH56
P. 20


                    the environment in which humans evolved.   Not-self is both a metaphysical and a moral
                    So things like public speaking induce anxiety   claim. As for the metaphysical dimension of
                    in a lot of people—and even to a clearly   the claim—or, if you prefer, the psychological
                    counterproductive extent, like when you can’t   dimension—there is a lot of evidence in
                    sleep the night before a presentation—but, of   psychology that our intuitions about the
                    course, there weren’t big public talks in our   self are just wrong. We tend to think of the
                    natural environment. We’re just not designed   self as a kind of conscious CEO, thinking
                    to deal with that kind of situation at all.  thoughts and making decisions, yet there’s
                                                              a lot of evidence to suggest that human
                    In the public speaking example, there’s a form   consciousness is more like an observer of the
                    of suffering that would be natural in hunter-  thoughts and decisions that are unconsciously
                    gather societies—anxiety—but it is evoked   generated. But we are under the impression
                    in a novel way that was not “intended” by   that consciousness is the generator. It’s like a
                    natural selection. So, while it’s connected to   passenger of a plane thinking that he or she is
                    natural selection, you wouldn’t say that this   flying the plane.
                    suffering is some kind of direct product of
                    natural selection.                        There’s actual experimental evidence showing
                                                              that people make up stories about why they
                    Can you give an example of dukkha or      did certain things and then they believe the
                    suffering when it’s functioning as natural   stories. So they’re making up stories on an
                    selection “intended”?                     unconscious level. We also tend to think we’re
                                                              very good people, better than average. It can’t
                    Yes. Say you’re hiking and you know that there   really be the case that most people are better
                    are poisonous snakes around. Every time you   than average morally, and yet study after study
                    hear a rustling in the underbrush you will feel   shows that most people think they are. We
                    a surge of fear and you become more alert.   have these kinds of basic misconceptions about
                    That fear is suffering, but it’s suffering that’s   ourselves. We believe there’s more in the way
                    functioning as “designed.” Of course, there   of a “CEO self” than there is, and we’re inclined
                    might not even be a snake there so your fear   to think that this “self” is an exemplary citizen.
                    can be the result of an illusion. That’s a case
                    where natural selection favors a false positive,   How can Buddhist practice help us see
                    so to speak, on the grounds that you’re better   through some of our basic misconceptions
                    safe than sorry.                          about ourselves and the world?

                    So I would distinguish between times we   I think that by quieting the mind sufficiently
                    suffer when we are operating as “designed,”   you actually start liberating yourself from
                    so to speak, and times we suffer when     some of the mechanisms of distortion that
                    what we’re experiencing is a natural      natural selection built in. When I say that, I’m
                    form of suffering misfiring because of the   thinking particularly of feelings. Beginning
                    environment we’re in.                     with just aversion and grasping—the
                                                              basic dichotomy between avoidance and
                    You mentioned that one of the Buddhist    approach—and building all the way up to the
                    ideas you defend in the book is not-self—  complex emotions, I think all of these things
                    the claim that, in some sense, the self   are natural selection’s way of controlling
                    doesn’t really exist. Can you say more    our perceptions and our thoughts. So, for
                    about not-self?                           example, feelings of dislike for a rival color
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