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           IS BUDDHISM TRUE?

           An Interview with Dr Robert Wright by Sam Mowe

                                             The Buddha said that the origin   Sam Mowe: Why Buddhism is
                                             of all suffering is craving — we   True is a bold title. Let’s start
                                             either don’t get what we want or   by clarifying what you mean by
                                             we get what we don’t want. But    both “Buddhism” and “True.”
                                             what is the origin of our craving?   What Buddhist tradition are you
                                             In his recent New York Times best-  writing about?
                                             selling book, Why Buddhism is
                                             True: The Science and Philosophy   Robert Wright: If you had to really
                                             of Meditation and Enlightenment,   boil down the Buddhist claim that
                                             Robert Wright argues that the     I’m defending, it’s that the reason
           Photo by Jed Adan on Unsplash
                                             process of natural selection      we suffer—and the reason we make
                                             designed the human mind to crave   other people suffer—is that we
                                             — and therefore suffer — because   don’t see the world clearly. We have
                                             never-ending dissatisfaction helped   illusions about ourselves, other
                                             our ancestors get their genes into   people, and the world. Buddhism
                                             the next generation. Though the   posits that we tend to misperceive
                                             Buddha predates Darwin by more    fundamental aspects of our
                                             than 2,000 years, Wright contends   existence.
                                             that Buddhism’s diagnosis of the
                                             human condition is fundamentally   Of course, there are a lot of different
                                             correct and that its prescription —   Buddhist traditions, but I’ve tried
                                             primarily mindfulness meditation   to focus on elements that are found
                                             — can help us override our hard-  across the great bulk of Buddhist
                                             wired tendency to crave.          traditions—for example, not-
                                                                               self and emptiness. Not-self is the
                                             Wright is currently the visiting   idea that the self, in some sense,
                                             professor of science and religion   doesn’t really exist and emptiness is
                                             at Union Theological Seminary     the idea that things don’t possess
                                             in Manhattan and the author of    the essences that we usually
                                             four books, including The Moral   attribute to them. With both
                                             Animal and The Evolution of God.   of these ideas, I think modern
                                             We spoke with him recently about   psychology—and, in particular,
                                             the relationship between natural   evolutionary psychology—is on
                                             selection and suffering, how      my side in defending at least some
                                             evolutionary psychology supports   version of them.
                                             the Buddhist idea of not-self,
                                             and how meditation can lead to    Is that what you mean when
                                             everything from stress reduction   you say that Buddhism is true—
                                             to an understanding of Buddhism’s   that certain Buddhist ideas
                                             most radical philosophical concepts.  are corroborated by modern
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