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           religious places like temples, churches, or mosques.   realized the benefit of the Dharma.
           Such places probably have an atmosphere of spirituality,
           peacefulness, calmness and serenity so lacking in the   What kind of programs would attract youngsters to
           outside world. Over the past 30 years we had our share   come to a Buddhist center in our current internet
           of visits by mentally-ill patients seeking a sort of solace   age?
           at our association from their mental pain and anguish.
                                                              It is indeed a great challenge to attract the younger
           Boh Ho (not his real name) was afflicted with      generation to come to a Buddhist Center in the age of
           schizophrenia when he was in his early twenties. I   the internet with its many alluring high-tech gadgets.
           befriended him in the early 1990s. At our association,   I think the following programs should attract young
           he helped out by cleaning the premises and doing other   people:
           general manual work. I used to remind him to keep his
           precepts well and to learn and practice the Dharma   a)   Buddhist /  Dharma / Motivation / Leadership /
           sincerely. He was quite regular in joining our Pali   Musical /  English Camps
           chanting sessions and also in our Sutta class. He even   b)   The Use of Multimedia
           participated in our wake services.                 c)    Group Dynamics
                                                              d)   Academic Guidance Classes
           I remember a few occasions when Boh Ho’s           e)   Music, Choreographing, Action with Dances
           schizophrenic attacks came because he stopped taking   f)   Organized Trips and Excursions
           his medication. He would have hallucinations, behaved   g)   Games and Sport Activities
           in a disorganized manner, and sank into painful    h)  Group Discussions, Brainstorms, Forums and
           depressive moods. Some Dharma friends and I helped    Workshops  EH
           him to get medical treatment and he recovered. Over the
           years as he continued to study and practice the Dharma,
           he found it a great help with his mental affliction.
           Though he passed away peacefully in 2012, he had
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