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           transferred out to another school when he was in Form   this question: “Which is more important - my parents or
           2 for a serious disciplinary offence. He was a source   sitting for STPM?’  “Your parents of course,” I answered.
           of immense worry to his parents. As he also attended   He then said in a confused state, “Bro. Oh, yeah … I don’t
           Sunday School, I remember him as one of the most   want to sit for my STPM. The stress is killing me … is it
           difficult students who would lie, cheat, steal, fight, and   ok if I give up on my STPM?”
           gamble. However, I never gave up on him and continued
           to guide him with Buddhist values as I had confidence   It was really difficult for me to tell him what to do. I
           in the power of the Dharma in changing his character.   could not ‘push’ him into taking STPM because it might
           Positive changes started to happen when he was in my   break him. On the other hand, I could not just tell him to
           Form 4 Guidance class. After his SPM, he continued   give up his STPM examination as he might regret later.  I
           his education to the tertiary level. Today he is a   decided to counsel him using Dharma. Over a couple of
           transformed man, successful in his career, and married   weeks and a great number of hours, I shared with him
           with a happy family.                               the sublime Dharma. I asked him to reflect on important
                                                              life questions:  “What is the meaning and purpose of
           Anxiety and Stress                                 life? How do we develop the right view and attitude and
                                                              thereby strengthen the mind?”
           In the late 1980s, I had a Form 6 student in my
           community guidance class on Chemistry. He was a    In September he told me, “Bro Oh, I have decided to sit
           top student since primary school right till Form 5.   for the STPM and try my best. I understand the Dharma
           Coming from a typical Chinese Taoist background he   you have shared with me.” “Excellent,” I told him. Today
           had no knowledge of Buddhism at all. When he was in   he is a very successful medical specialist.
           Upper Sixth Form, his anxiety and stress level began
                                                              My Schizophrenic Friend
           to build up. He was expecting to get 5As for his STPM
           examination to realize his ambition of becoming a
           doctor.                                            This world is full of people afflicted with anxiety,
                                                              depression, schizophrenia, bipolar, neurosis, compulsive
           One night in August, he came to see me with trouble and   obsessive personality disorder and various other
           stress written all over him. I remembered he asked me   psychiatric illnesses. They have an inclination to go to
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