Page 225 - hakka 2025
P. 225
Bamboo Shoot Dumplings
■ 主料 ■ Main Ingredients
木薯淀粉 500克 500 grams tapioca starch
芋泥 100克 100 grams yam paste
沸水 300克 300 grams boiling water
■ 辅料 ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
竹笋粒 300克 300 grams diced bamboo shoots
三层肉粒 130克 130 grams diced pork belly
木耳粒 20克 20 grams diced black fungus
香菇粒 10克 10 grams diced mushrooms
虾米 15克 15 grams dried shrimp
豆干粒 25克 25 grams diced dried tofu
■ 调料 ■ Seasonings
食盐 半茶匙 ½ teaspoon salt
胡椒粉 半茶匙 ½ teaspoon ground pepper
鱼露 半茶匙 ½ teaspoon fish sauce
生抽 半茶匙 ½ teaspoon light soy sauce
猪油 1汤匙 1 tablespoon lard
■ 制作流程 ■ Method
1. 将热水快速倒入木薯淀粉中搅拌均匀,加入芋 1. Pour boiling water quickly into the tapioca starch
泥,揉搓成光滑的粄团。 and mix well. Add the yam paste and knead into a
2. 热锅放入猪油,煸香三层肉,然后依次加入其他 smooth dough.
辅料,再加入食盐、胡椒粉、鱼露和生抽调味, 2. Heat lard in a wok, stir-fry the pork belly until fra-
翻炒至香,制成馅料。 grant, then add in the remaining auxiliary ingredi-
3. 取适量粄团,擀成圆形面皮,包入适量的馅料, ents. Season with salt, pepper powder, fish sauce
捏紧封口,塑成半月形饺子状。 and light soy sauce. Stir-fry until fragrant and fully
4. 放入蒸笼,大用火蒸制8分钟即可出锅。 cooked to make the filling.
3. Take appropriate amount of the dough, roll it into
■ 风味特色 a thin round wrapper. Place the filling in the cen-
弹韧有嚼劲,味道鲜美。 ter, fold and seal tightly to form a crescent-shaped
dumpling .
4. Place the dumplings in a steamer and steam over
high heat for 8 minutes.
■ Flavour Characteristics
Chewy and elastic texture with a delicious and fresh taste.