Page 13 - EH64
P. 13


           Association with the wise becomes   from acquaintances who do not   When we raise the question how
           so crucial to spiritual development   share our ideals. In this early phase   to recognize good friends, how to
           because the example and advice of   our mind resembles a chameleon,   distinguish good advisors from
           a noble-minded counselor is often   which alters its color according   bad advisors, the Buddha offers us
           the decisive factor that awakens   to its background. Just as this   crystal-clear advice. In the Shorter
           and nurtures the unfolding of our   remarkable lizard turns green when   Discourse on a Full-Moon Night
           own untapped spiritual potential.   in the grass and brown when on   (MN 110) he explains the difference
           The uncultivated mind harbors     the ground, so we become fools    between the companionship of the
           a vast diversity of unrealized    when we associate with fools and   bad person and the companionship
           possibilities, ranging from the   sages when we associate with      of the good person. The bad person
           depths of selfishness, egotism    sages. Internal changes do not    chooses as friends and companions
           and aggressivity to the heights   generally occur suddenly; but     those who are without faith, whose
           of wisdom, self-sacrifice and     slowly, by increments so slight that   conduct is marked by an absence of
           compassion. The task confronting   we ourselves may not be aware of   shame and moral dread, who have
           us, as followers of the Dhamma, is to   them, our characters undergo a   no knowledge of spiritual teachings,
           keep the unwholesome tendencies   metamorphosis that in the end may   who are lazy and unmindful, and
           in check and to foster the growth   prove to be dramatically significant.   who are devoid of wisdom. As a
           of the wholesome tendencies, the                                    consequence of choosing such bad
           qualities that lead to awakening, to   If we associate closely with those   friends as his advisors, the bad
           freedom and purification.         who are addicted to the pursuit of   person plans and acts for his own
                                             sense pleasures, power, riches and   harm, for the harm of others, and
           However, our internal tendencies   fame, we should not imagine that   the harm of both, and he meets with
           do not mature and decline in a    we will remain immune from those   sorrow and misery.
           vacuum. They are subject to the   addictions: in time our own minds
           constant impact of the broader    will gradually incline to these same   In contrast, the Buddha continues,
           environment, and among the most   ends. If we associate closely with   the good person chooses as friends
           powerful of these influences is the   those who, while not given up to   and companions those who have
           company we keep, the people we    moral recklessness, live their lives   faith, who exhibit a sense of shame
           look upon as teachers, advisors   comfortably adjusted to mundane   and moral dread, who are learned
           and friends. Such people silently   routines, we too will remain stuck   in the Dhamma, energetic in
           speak to the hidden potentials    in the ruts of the commonplace.   cultivation of the mind, mindful,
           of our own being, potentials that   If we aspire for the highest -- for   and possessed of wisdom. Resorting
           will either unfold or wither under   the peaks of transcendent wisdom   to such good friends, looking to
           their influence. In our pursuit of   and liberation -- then we must   them as mentors and guides, the
           the Dhamma it therefore becomes   enter into association with those   good person pursues these same
           essential for us to choose as our   who represent the highest. Even if   qualities as his own ideals and
           guides and companions those who   we are not so fortunate as to find   absorbs them into his character.
           represent, at least in part, the noble   companions who have already   Thus, while drawing ever closer to
           qualities we seek to internalize by   scaled the heights, we can well   deliverance himself, he becomes in
           the practice of the Dhamma. This   count ourselves blessed if we cross   turn a beacon light for others. Such
           is especially necessary in the early   paths with a few spiritual friends   a one is able to offer those who still
           stages of our spiritual development,   who share our ideals and who make   wander in the dark an inspiring
           when our virtuous aspirations are   earnest efforts to nurture the noble   model to emulate, and a wise friend
           still fresh and tender, vulnerable   qualities of the Dhamma in their   to turn to for guidance and advice.
           to being undermined by inward     hearts.                           EH
           irresolution or by discouragement
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