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                                                                               His Holiness the Dalai Lama answering
                                                                               questions from the audience during his
                                                                               interaction with Russian university students
                                                                               online from his residence in Dharamsala, HP,
                                                                               India on March 29, 2021. Photo by Ven Tenzin

           has met the Buddha. What he taught   control it’s good to be patient, but   of them, such as hurricanes and
           has been preserved in Tibetan     it is not appropriate to be patient   wild-fires, are beyond our control.
           in the 100 volumes that record    with the suffering in general. Since   However, by cutting our use of
           his words, the 220 volumes of     we each have Buddha nature, it’s   fossil fuels and turning instead to
           subsequent Indian treatises and the   much better to try to fulfil it by   renewable sources of energy, such
           10,000 works by Tibetan scholars   overcoming ignorance and suffering.  us solar and wind power, we can
           and the minds of those who read                                     curtail the carbon emissions that
           them. It’s a living tradition.    With regard to relations between   are at the root of the problem.
                                             science and Buddhism, His Holiness
           His Holiness assured a St         remarked that when he was in      The moderator, Prof Nikolai
           Petersburg student that from a    Tibet, he had virtually no contact   Yankovski thanked His Holiness for
           Buddhist point of view everything   with scientists, although as a   his helpful answers. He told him it
           depends on us. This galaxy arises   child he was naturally curious. In   had been a great pleasure to be in
           because of our karma. If we train   India and elsewhere he has been   touch with him.
           our minds, cultivating altruism   able to meet with scientists and
           and wisdom we can put an end to   engage in discussions with them.   In his final advice, His Holiness
           the cycle of existence. Mind has no   Subsequently, the study of science   noted that some Russian republics
           beginning or end. So long as it is   has been included in the curriculum   have traditionally been Buddhist.
           shrouded in ignorance, we remain   of the monastic centres of learning.   “People who haven’t had the
           sentient beings. But once ignorance   Monks and nuns have learned about   opportunity to study, who only
           has been eliminated our mind      the physical world. Scientists have   engage in saying prayers and
           becomes the mind of a Buddha.     learned about the workings of the   performing rituals shouldn’t be
                                             mind and emotions, as well as ways   content with that. Study as much as
           However, His Holiness rejects     to cultivate and preserve peace of   you can. Compare what you learn
           giving in to difficulties that may   mind. His Holiness outlined the   with science. Bring the Nalanda
           arise because they are ‘the result   varying subtlety of different states   Tradition alive. Thank you and see
           of our karma’. He stressed that   of mind.                          you again.”  EH
           there are few situations that
           cannot be changed and that        As to how to maintain peace mind   Source: https://www.dalailama.
           negative karma can be countered   when there is so much trouble in   com/news/2021/our-world-in-a-
           by creating positive karma. His   the world, His Holiness cited the   time-of-change. March 29, 2021
           Holiness explained that faced     example of problems that arise
           with circumstances beyond our     because of global heating. Many
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