Page 35 - EH64
P. 35
My ordination teacher, Master MiuKing (妙境長老) to pursue worldly success, I share with them different
helped me realize that even if studied much Dharma, but aspects of the Buddha’s teachings on how one can do
do not put it to practise through meditation, I would still that. The difference is whether one pursues without
remain unenlightened. I am therefore eternally grateful scruples or not. Are we studying just to get good grades
to him for his kindness to accept me into the sangha. to get a good job or do we actually learn to take interest
in the subject matter and strive towards mastery over it?
However, whether one chooses to ordain or not, one
should strive to 1) free ourselves of stress and suffering I often share with students that the answers to
(right?) and 2) to do that, learn enough Dharma to know questions are often less important to how we get the
our stupid mind and defilements, and 3) try to work on answer, for that is the point of education, learning
#2 so we come closer to #1 and 4) then we can truly the principles behind and not simply memorising the
care and love those around us. answer. This same approach is found in the Buddha’s
teachings where he would teach by asking questions
A common misconception is that Buddhism is about to get the disciples to figure things out and not simply
seeing life as suffering, being passive, and detached learn by rote.
from material things, whereas young people seem
to be just the opposite – optimistic, energetic, The real misconception is that we can only act when
materialistic, and self-absorbed, as they grapple driven by emotions like greed and anger, or when we
with establishing themselves, their careers, and are emotionally attached to things or people. That is,
their lives. How do you clarify this misconception of course, the usual mode that we are used to. We don’t
when you meet young people? need Buddhism to learn that. We are already pretty
good at it already!
Oh yes. Somehow, the First Enlightened (Arya, Noble)
Truth is often presented as “Life is suffering”. To which The challenge is to strive for excellence not simply for
I ask whether the Buddha and Arahants, while alive, self interest, not speak up only when we are angry, or
were suffering? care only for people or things we are attached to. That’s
where the Buddha’s teachings on love, compassion, and
When I meet young people, or for that matter anyone, I wisdom (no-self and emptiness etc) can really help us
usually don’t dive in to drown them with Dharma. I chat relook at our usual world view.
with them, learn about what they are currently doing,
their interest, what they are pursuing. I used to jump Young adults may not be very interested in spiritual
right in to try to enlighten people! haha Then I realised, matters but when they are stressed with their work
the hard way, that I was being really presumptuous and or are depressed because of broken relationships,
almost self-righteous. If I do not know them as yet, who they realize they need help. So how do you bring
am I to tell them that the Dharma is suitable for them? the Dharma to them when they are faced with such
In most cases, getting to know them then allows for a problems?
more meaningful conversation, and if someone wishes