Page 37 - EH64
P. 37
Recommendations for books would come when they get It does not have to be a dichotomy between outreach and
interested already and not before that. temples/Buddhist centres. Temples and Buddhist centres
can become a sanctuary for lay people to learn, practice
As there are different schools of Buddhism, how Dharma, and at the same time, form a wholesome
do you explain to a new Buddhist that the core connection with the community and the Sangha.
teachings are similar, especially which aspects of the
teaching they should focus on so that they will not Many teachings were given by the Buddha at lay
be confused? people’s homes. This did not make the Dharma secular,
rather it made it accessible. However, worldly activities
The Four Noble (Arya, Enlightened) Truths is at the like drinking and dancing were probably not present
core of all Buddhist lineages, as the Buddha positioned while the Buddha gave teachings.
this as central and aims to help all who are ready, to be
liberated from suffering. Any lineage or school that does There are Buddhist groups that have successfully
not have this at its core is doubtful at best to be called a incorporated Zen-themed cafes within temples and
Buddhist group. Buddhist centres without being overly worldly.
While we reach out to lay people, we need to remain
How can we leverage on the current interest in focused on the core, which is Dharma, to be the vehicle
mindfulness meditation and neuroscience to for people to learn Dharma.
promote Buddhism among youngsters as a modern
and scientific religion or philosophy? Our aim should never be to compete with worldly
entertainments, for that path has no end to it.
We need to meditate ourselves, change ourselves,
improve ourselves. Then are we fit to share Buddhism As you are very much involved in community
with others, youngsters and seniors alike. Otherwise, outreach in Singapore, can you share with us your
who would be convinced? major activities?
To that end, we have a daily morning meditation group In Singapore, I work with various Buddhist temples
via zoom to make daily practices accessible for all. and societies to give Dharma talks, meditation classes
and retreats in person and via facebook and zoom. In
In Japan, Buddhist temples are opening cafés addition, Little Dharma Works, the Buddhist society I
and Buddhist-themed bars where laypeople can serve as spiritual advisor, conducts community service
discuss their problems and learn about Buddhism programmes and fellowship outreach programmes such
with monks. While this makes Buddhism very as walks and field trips.
contemporary, do you think this approach
secularizes the Dharma, and whether we should For those who need more direct help, I also offer
encourage such trends? counselling in person and via zoom. EH