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transition. They have adopted Buddhist practices or diversity within American Buddhism and American
identified themselves as Buddhists for some time. Buddhists. On page 125, Shubha, one of Chenxing’s
These young Asian American Buddhists do not easily interviewees, talks about feeling out of place during a
fit into the two Buddhisms’ typology. What these young meditation retreat where most of the participants were
Asian American Buddhists have in common is neither white. She was one of three participants who were not
ethnicity nor a specific Buddhist lineage. Their practices white in the retreat. But she also realizes that Buddhism
cannot be neatly filed into the meditation vs. ritualistic/ should be available to all people regardless of racial
devotional practices typology, and their understanding background. She gives a beautiful simile: It’s easy to feel
of Buddhism varies from each other’s (and from their out of place when you’re one grape in a bowl of apples,
parents’). They are by no means “a unified, harmonious but a grape in a bowl of mixed fruits feels welcoming!
bloc”. In fact, they are incredibly diverse, as appendix
five on ethnicity shows. The title of this book comes from Aaron Lee’s letter of
December 17, 2016 where he wrote, “Be the refuge you
Chenxing’s interviewees reveal the inadequacy of the wish to see in this world (mentioned on page 204) and
two Buddhisms’ typology. For instance, Asian Buddhists build American Buddhist community together. Much of
are generally classified as “cultural Buddhists”. As Chenxing’s book is a tribute to Aaron Lee, who died of
the author explains on page 247, “the young Asian lymphoma in 2017 but remains an inspiration to many
Americans are not so much cultural Buddhists as they of the young Asian American Buddhists in the book,
are culturally engaged Buddhists. They understand that including the author herself.
the many manifestations of culture - race, ethnicity,
gender, sexuality, among others - are not a grime to be As Chenxing is not just a young Buddhist scholar, but
wiped off or a dross to be transcended, but phenomena also a practitioner, her book provides an overview of the
that we must thoroughly explore and fully engage with if importance of seeing all sentient beings as experiencing
we are to realize a truly inclusive American Buddhism.” dukkha and so we should care for them irrespective
So whether they are “trailblazers,” “bridge-builders,” of whether they are white or yellow or brown. As a
or “integrators,” the young Asian American Buddhists practitioner our role is to study the teachings, practice
interviewed do not fit into either side of the binary. it, and share the wisdom of the Buddha’s teachings with
whomever is ready to accept the Dharma medicine
In the final section regarding Refuge Makers, Chenxing that will relieve them of their suffering. Buddhism in
shows that the two Buddhisms’ dichotomy (or any America, or anywhere, should not be seen along racial
dichotomy) fails to capture the reality of the huge lines. EH