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Dharma Thoughts

                                       Vijaya Samarawickrama is an accomplished Dharma educator, teacher, and
                                       author. He retired after 60 years of teaching in schools, colleges and universities.
                                       However, he continues to give Dharma talks throughout the country, participates
                                       in inter-faith dialogues, speaks at various international seminars, and writes for
                                       Buddhist books and journals.

           What price Happiness?

           By Vijaya Samarawickrama

           If Forbes magazine is anything to go by it would seem   In Buddhism ignorance (avijjā) is the inability to
           as if most of humanity measures success (and by    see things - as- they- really -are. So long as there is
           association, happiness) by the amount of wealth a   Ignorance we will be unable to discern that what we
           person amasses in a lifetime. Each time the list of the   mistake for a ‘self’ (what makes us self-ish) is only a
           world’s richest men (and, rarely, women) is published,   coming together of diverse processes which are in a
           the rest of us gasp and imagine what wonderful lives   continuous state of change with no enduring reality at
           they must lead, having the power to control what they   the core. One of the hardest things for us to understand
           want anytime, anywhere. But let us pause a moment and   is that characteristic of existence which the Buddha
           ask, “Does wealth necessarily guarantee happiness?”   calls anattā, not-self. Deluded by an idea of a real entity
           The dictionary defines happiness as “delighted, pleased   called a self we create desires which can never be
           or glad as over a particular thing”. This implies that we   satisfied because they are not real. Our ignorance of this
           experience happiness when we gain possession over   fact gives rise to dukkha – ‘unsatisfactoriness’. In verse
           some tangible or intangible thing. By this token, given   62 of the Dhammapada the Buddha says
           the mind-boggling advancements made by modern
           science and technology since the industrial revolution   “Sons have I, wealth have I
           we should expect that at least a good proportion of the   Thus  the fool assures himself,
           ‘developed’ world’s population should be considered   But when self is not one’s own
           ‘happy’. On the contrary they seem to be more miserable   Where are sons, where is wealth?
           than their fellow humans in the ‘undeveloped’ parts of
           the world. One does not need to go far to look for an   Unfulfilled desire is at the root of the suffering of
           explanation. The vast majority of us are desperately   mankind. To end suffering we must learn to understand
           seeking happiness but unfortunately they mistake   the true nature of things which are empty of self,
           sensual pleasure for happiness thinking that they   impermanent, and unsatisfactory and learn to give up,
           can be happy simply by pandering to the demands of   to renounce and practice non-attachment. This is the
           the senses. But the senses are subject to the laws of   way to wisdom.
           impermanence so that as soon as one desire is satisfied
           it is immediately replaced by another and we are left    It is not an exaggeration to say that all the religions of
           desperately searching for more, like a dog with a severe   the world take this all-pervasive unsatisfactoriness of
           skin irritation which simply cannot be relieved by mere   the human condition as their starting point to persuade
           scratching alone. The solution is to get at the source of   their followers to subscribe to their teachings. All
           the irritation and to eradicate it permanently. The root   religions agree that life on earth leaves much to be
           cause of suffering is ignorance.                   desired but they promise that if people would obey
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