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                                                                                          BOOKS IN BRIEF

           Wisdom Publications.
           199 Elm Street, Somerville, MA 02144, USA

           Saṃsāra, Nirvāṇa, and Buddha Nature.   Ecology, Ethics, and Interdependence.   Mindfulness and Insight. The Mahasi
           The Dalai Lama and Thubten Chodron.   The Dalai Lama in Conversation with   Method. Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw.
           2018. pp 410. US$29.95. Hardcover  Leading Thinkers on Climate Change.   2019. pp 276. US$17.95
                                             Edited by John Dunne and Daniel
           In this new book, which is the third   Goleman. 2018. pp 333. US$18.95  This classic by Mahasi Sayadaw is an
           volume in the series of books co-authored                           excerpt of two key chapters from the
           by Venerable Thubten Chodren and the   The Mind & Life Institute convened a   comprehensive, authoritative Manual
           Dalai Lama, the reader will discover the   think tank of more than a dozen leading   of Insight, which expounds the doctrinal
           mind's infinitely vast potential, its Buddha   scientists, interdisciplinary scholars, and   and practical aspects of mindfulness
           nature. In its examination of  Buddha   Buddhist teachers at the residence of   (satipaṭṭhāna) and the development
           nature – spanning early discussions of   HH The Dalai Lama in Dharamsala, India,   of insight knowledge (vipassanā) up to
           the mind’s potential in the Pāli Canon   in 2011. Typical of these dialogues, it   and including nibbāna. In Manual of
           through to the teachings of Dzogchen, the   provided a forum both to educate the   Insight, Mahasi Sayadaw acknowledged
           Great Perfection, it casts a bright light to   Dalai Lama and to solicit his input. But   that these two chapters alone offer
           dispel the darkness of materialism, which   it also provided an avenue to introduce   suitable guidance on our own journey of
           deludedly reduces the mind to a mere   Buddhist perspectives to cutting-edge   awakening by realizing path knowledge,
           epiphenomenon or emergent property of   interdisciplinary scholarship, interfaith   fruition knowledge, and nibbāna,
           the brain. Knowledge of Buddha nature   dialogue, and public discourse. However,   particularly for those with little or no
           reveals and reconciles the paradox of   at this conference, the focus was a topic   knowledge of the Pāli scriptures.
           how the mind can be the basis for both   unrelated to cognitive science: Ecology,   Part 1, “The Development of
           the sufferings of saṃsāra (the unpurified   Ethics, and Interdependence. The result   Mindfulness,” offers comprehensive
           mind) and the bliss and fulfilment of   of this conference is a skilfully edited   instructions for developing mindfulness
           nirvāṇa (the purified mind). To illustrate   and easily readable book that answers   based on the Buddha’s teachings on
           this, the authors first takes readers   some of the most urgent questions facing   the four foundations of mindfulness, as
           through Buddhist thought on the self,   humanity today:             outlined in the highly regarded Discourse
           the four noble truths, and their sixteen                            on Mindfulness (Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta).
           attributes. It then explains afflictions-  •   What is happening to our planet?  Part 2, “Practical Instructions,” provides
           -including how they arise and their   •   What can we do about it?  guidance in both the practices preliminary
           antidotes--followed by an examination of   •   How to balance animal rights and   to undertaking insight meditation and in
           karma and cyclic existence (dependent   needs of an ecosystem?      developing insight knowledge, ranging
           origination), and, finally, a deep and   •   What is the most skilful way to enact   from initial practices to advanced levels of
           thorough elucidation of Buddha nature.   change?                    practice. EH
           Essentially, this text shows us how to   •   And how do we fight on, even when
           purify our minds and cultivate awakened   our efforts seem to bear no fruit? EH
           qualities. EH
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