Page 54 - EH58
P. 54
Is today’s environment when there is not enough One should first
monks or nuns teaching the Buddha Dharma, should Establish oneself in what is proper
lay people be encouraged to teach the Dharma? Then only should one instruct another
Thus the wise would not be reproached/defiled.
Aggacitta: Certainly. Why not, if they are learned,
experienced, and committed to share facts and inspiring By “not harming others” I understand it to mean not
experiences resulting from their study and practice of disparaging others, e.g. instead of saying, “So-and-so is
the true Dhamma? talking nonsense,” one should say that such a teaching is
not consonant with the scriptures in such-and-such a way.
Ming Wei: Traditionally speaking, members of the
Saṅgha are forbidden from dealing in business or holding Additionally, I would expect any Dharma teacher,
Government positions. The only role of the Saṅgha is to whether lay or monastic, to honestly distinguish the
spread the Buddha Dharma. The teaching of the Buddha sources of his or her teaching: whether it is according
is then propagated from generation to generation with to the canon, commentary, teacher’s interpretation or
the Order as the backbone of this continuity. personal opinion. This is a corollary to the advice given
by the Buddha in Caṅkī Sutta (MN 95) on how to guard
However, in some Mahāyāna texts reflecting a non- the truth. 1
monastic context, we find the lay bodhisattva ideal
presented not in close dependence on the forest Ming Wei: A basic knowledge of Buddhist theory and
renunciant but as a more freestanding ideal. This is practice is an essential prerequisite for being a Bud-
mentioned in the Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra. dhist teacher, e.g. someone who has studied or trained
Another type of non-monastic is implied by the text in Buddhist institutions and colleges. However, theory
Vimalakīrti Nirdeśa Sūtra in which a lay bodhisattva alone is not sufficient for one to teach the Buddha Dhar-
ideal is advanced as preferable. ma – it should be combined with practice. If we listen
to the Dharma to gain an intellectual understanding but
Geshe Namgyal: Everyone should be encouraged to do not put the teachings into practice, it is like beautiful
learn Dharma and once learned, everyone should be flowers that are colorful but have no fragrance, and we
encouraged to share it, irrespective of being an ordained certainly won’t benefit from it. Therefore, a qualified lay
member or a lay person. It is particularly encouraged teacher is one who study and practice the Dharma.
that Dharma be practiced by everyone. His Holiness Geshe Namgyal: In general, it isn’t a case of allowing or
the Dalai Lama has put out a call for everyone to study
1 “If a person has faith, Bhāradvāja, he preserves truth when
the Dharma and to treat the canons as text books; we
he says: ‘My faith is thus’; but he does not yet come to the
should learn the Dharma because it is for everyone. It’s
definite conclusion: ‘Only this is true, anything else is wrong.’
the best and most precious gift that one could ever give
In this way, Bhāradvāja, there is the preservation of truth;
another. The Dharma is to be given, and not held onto.
in this way he preserves truth; in this way we describe the
As a matter of fact, within the precepts of the Bodhisat-
preservation of truth...
tva vows taken, one would impair the vow if one does
“If a person approves of something… if he receives an oral
not share the Dharma out of stinginess. tradition… if he [reaches a conclusion based on] reasoned
What are the qualities a lay teacher should have cogitation… if he gains a reflective acceptance of a view, he
before he/she is allowed to teach the Dharma? preserves truth when he says: ‘My reflective acceptance
of a view is thus’; but he does not yet come to the definite
Aggacitta: According to AN 5.159, one should teach conclusion: ‘Only this is true, anything else is wrong.’ In
this way too, Bhāradvāja, there is the preservation of truth;
the Dharma: (1) progressively, (2) in a logical manner,
in this way he preserves truth; in this way we describe the
(3) out of compassion, (4) without hoping for material
preservation of truth...” [Excerpts from The Middle Length
gains and (5) without harming oneself or others. Ideally,
Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Majjhima
I think “not harming oneself” means one should walk
Nikāya, translated by Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi.
one’s talk, as implied in Dhammapada #158:
Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2005.]