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                                                                                           TEACHINGS  |  EASTERN HORIZON     533

           not allowing. Buddhism is a tradition of self-responsibil-  the mind of an enlightened one.
           ity and anyone can teach it. However, there are guide-
           lines laid out in the sūtras that guide teachers to check   How can lay teachers be effective as Dharma
           into their own minds to see if they have the required   teachers in today’s context?
           qualities, before teaching, as well as what students
           should look for in a teacher. Aside from the qualities   Aggacitta: (1) Be well-versed and confident in your
           specific to being ordained, there’s no difference regard-  subject. (2) Walk your talk. (3) Practice principles of
           ing the qualities of a teacher. These ten qualities, regard-  good public speaking. (4) Use contemporary vocabulary
           ing Mahāyāna teachers, can be found in the Mahāyāna   and imagery to further explain doctrinal concepts
           Sūtrālaṅkāra said to be transmitted to Arya Asaṅga by   illustrated in the scriptures by similes and examples of
           the bodhisattva Maitreya-nātha. Likewise, one finds the   ancient Indian culture and society. (5) Bear in mind the
           qualities of a tantric master laid out in the tantric trea-  Buddha’s advice on how to preserve or guard the truth
           tises which also apply to both the ordained and the laity   and do not be fanatical or overenthusiastic in promoting
           equally, except for those specific to either the ordained   a certain interpretation or practice of the Dharma. It is
           or the laity. The main emphasis is to be steeped in the   always safer to confess ignorance rather than profess
           three higher trainings of ethics, concentration, and wis-  cognizance of things beyond your ken. (6) Try to
           dom. Regardless of being ordained or a laity, one should   illustrate your teaching with actual examples from life
           take care to teach within one’s level of practice.   experiences because the Dharma is meant to be applied
                                                              and practiced, not just understood theoretically.
           Should there be some sort of certifying board or
           authority that certifies that someone is qualified   Nowadays many Dharma teachers increasingly use
           to be a dharma teacher? How should such a body     video clips and slides to engage the attention of today’s
           function effectively?                              audience who are mostly exposed to easily available,

                                                              dynamic audio-visual stimuli and impressions. However,
           Aggacitta: Ideally, perhaps, but practically quite   some presentations are more efficacious than others
           impossible to implement. Even renowned Dharma      when presented as follows: (1) Essential phrases are
           teachers within a single school and esteemed Buddhist   set in large san serif fonts and presented in point form,
           scholars differ in their views and interpretations. How   each point being animated and shown in sequence and
           then to form a certifying board, let alone implement its   in sync with the verbal discourse, not simultaneously.
           policies and guidelines?                           Most people these days are more visual than auditory
                                                              in their ability to retain the information presented to
           Ming Wei: As I know so far, we don’t have such authority   them. When faced with wordy text and articulate speech
           to certify the quality of a Dharma teacher, but there are   simultaneously, the level of their comprehension and
           many Buddhist centers in the universities or colleges all   retention would be greatly reduced. (2) Having white or
           over the world where we can study and gain diplomas   light-colored text on a dark background helps to reduce
           or degrees in Buddhism.                            glare for the audience, thus improving attention on
                                                              what is projected and said.
           Geshe Namgyal: That would be very difficult as there are
           qualities that would be hard or impossible for a govern-  With modern technology so globally pervasive in
           ing body to measure. Specifically, for someone aspiring   society, Dharma teachings need no longer be confined
           to be a Dharma teacher, they would have to be the first   to live events in specific localities. If well-edited videos
           one to check if they themselves are qualified. Having a   of your teachings are uploaded to YouTube, many, many
           certifying board could give way to so many pitfalls of   more people worldwide will be able to benefit. You can
           corruption and would place the emphasis and responsi-  then create snippets of highlights from the videos and
           bility on others, rather than self-responsibility. Besides,   broadcast through social media, with links to the full-
           one might even say that in order to accurately judge   length videos; this could be a very efficacious strategy to
           someone’s level of understanding, one would require   disseminate the Dharma in a pervasive way.
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