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the attacks by extreme Protestants Wolju emerged as a religious BTN have been on the rise, with
stem from their religious beliefs, leader at the forefront of social figures indicating a steady increase
which often view other religions as movements. His efforts extended over the years. For instance, in
inherently evil. to providing assistance to comfort 2020, the viewership rate stood at
women, further solidifying 0.092%, which grew to 0.125% in
I understand there are attempts Buddhism’s departure from its 2021. Notably, in 2023, BTN had
by both the Chogye Order and lay hermit-like image. secured the top rank in religious
Buddhist groups such as Buddhist cable TV broadcasts. Similarly, the
Solidarity for Reform to bring Additionally, other influential Buddhist Broadcasting System
Buddhism back to mainstream movements led by monks have (BBS), established in 1990, has
society, and to deflect the image contributed to the societal also consistently ranked highly in
of Buddhism being based in the engagement of Buddhism. The “Be religious cable TV broadcasts.
mountains. Would you say it has Clean and Fragrant” movement,
been successful so far? spearheaded by monk Beopjeong, Furthermore, both BTN and
encouraged Buddhists to cultivate BBS have amassed substantial
I could say it has been successful. a clean and fragrant society. This followings on their respective
The movement initiated by the campaign gained significant YouTube channels. BTN boasts
venerable Buddhist monk Wolju traction, with many citizens 1.04 million subscribers, while
in the 1990s was undeniably volunteering to assist the elderly, BBS has accumulated 487,000
successful in ushering in a new orphans, and homeless individuals. subscribers. While these statistics
era of socially engaged Buddhism, Similarly, the “Empty Rice Ball may not definitively correlate
known as the Socialization of Movement,” initiated by the Jeongto with an increase in the number of
Enlightenment movement. Prior to Society, aimed to reduce food waste Buddhists, they do underscore the
this, the Chogye Order had steered and foster community spirit by effectiveness of Buddhist television
clear of involvement in social sharing food with neighbors. The networks in reaching and engaging
issues such as dictatorship and widespread participation in these audiences.
labor exploitation, in contrast to socially engaging movements has
Catholicism and liberal Protestant led to a growing recognition among Do you think Buddhism would be
churches, which actively engaged in Koreans that Buddhism is not able to adapt to contemporary
societal matters. However, Wolju’s confined to meditation in mountain Korean society, especially in
leadership marked a departure retreats but actively contributes to meeting the needs of modern
from this stance as he assumed enhancing Korean society. Buddhists in the AI age?
the role of Executive Director of
Administration in the Chogye How would you access the success Throughout history in modern
Order after South Korea achieved of BTN (Buddhist Television times, Korean Buddhists have
democratization. Network) which began operation continuously sought ways to
in Seoul in 1994 for the purpose address the needs of the Korean
Wolju demonstrated a commitment of Buddhist propagation through people. This commitment to
to addressing pressing social the media? adaptation and innovation remains
issues, including aiding starving steadfast. For example, Monk
North Korean children, assisting While precise data regarding the Kwangdeok of Bulgwang Temple
the unemployed during the IMF impact of BTN’s propagation efforts delved into teachings such as the
financial crisis, and supporting is unavailable, it is evident that BTN Diamond Sutra and Mahaparamita
developing countries. Alongside has garnered significant attention practices to help individuals
figures like Cardinal Kim Suhwan among the Korean populace. The discover their Buddha nature and
and liberal pastor Kang Wonryong, television viewership rates for contribute to a better self and