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society, particularly in the aftermath poised to serve as a trusted advisor between living in society and
of the Korean War. Similarly, Nun to individuals navigating the practicing Buddhist teachings
Daehaeng of the Hanmaeum Seon complexities of the AI age. within a temple. He emphasized
Center offered accessible Buddhist that Buddhist teachings transcend
teachings and practices tailored for In your view what could be such distinctions, yet Pomnyun’s
the daily lives of laypeople, assisting Buddhism’s biggest contribution attachment to staying outside led
them in finding peace of mind. for the happiness and well-being to discrimination. This interaction
of modern society? underscores the inherent conflict
Additionally, Monk Jikwang of the that arises when one clings to a
Neungin Seon Center initiated What constitutes happiness or single perspective. By recognizing
Buddhist scripture study groups, well-being in modern society? If this principle and relinquishing
satisfying the thirst for knowledge it entails maintaining a peaceful attachment to one side, individuals
among laypeople and facilitating mind and fostering spiritual growth, can find resolution.
deeper engagement with Buddhist then Buddhism offers invaluable
teachings. During the period of contributions. Concepts such as Furthermore, the teaching of karma
dictatorship, young individuals non-self and non-dualistic thinking encourages individuals to accept the
participated in social activities like serve as guides for liberating present circumstances and focus on
the Minjung movement, forming individuals from afflictions. In their responses and choices. Armed
a minjung Buddhist movement contemporary society, there is with these Buddhist teachings,
that advocated for the rights of the often an excessive emphasis on individuals develop a deeper and
people. the self, leading people to become wiser perception of others and
fixated on an idealized self-image the world, thereby reducing the
Furthermore, Monk Pomryun of the and adopting a self-centered creation of additional afflictions
Jungto Society established guiding perspective. This perspective tends and breaking free from the cycle of
principles for the contemporary to breed judgment, both of oneself suffering. Naturally, alongside these
era, promoting the concept of the and others. While discerning philosophical insights, meditation
Pure Land. His motto, “Clarified right from wrong is inevitable, and mindfulness practices prove
Mind, Good Friends, and Pure excessive self-judgment based instrumental in calming the mind
Land,” underscores the importance on an idealized self-image can be and fostering clarity of thought. EH
of cultivating a pure mind and detrimental, causing internal strife,
engaging in social activities that while judgment of others from a
contribute to collective well-being. self-centered viewpoint diminishes
As society transitions into the era
of artificial intelligence (AI), both Non-dualistic thinking, on the
opportunities and challenges will other hand, enables individuals
emerge. The AI age may exacerbate to transcend the suffering that
issues such as unemployment, arises from clinging to one-sided
information bias, false information, perspectives. A poignant illustration
and discrimination. In this of this principle is found in the
context, Buddhist teachings and dialogue between Korean monk
practices offer valuable guidance, Domun and his disciple Pomnyun.
encouraging individuals to perceive When Pomnyun, a lay activist,
reality without prejudice and to hesitated to fulfill his promise of
approach situations with insight becoming a fully ordained monk, his
and wisdom. Thus, Buddhism is teacher questioned the distinction