Page 24 - Berita 151
P. 24

YBAM  has  begun  a  new  model  of  corporate
            collaboration  in  this  term,  establishing  a  mutually
            beneficial  relationship  with  corporates  without
            breaking the Five Precepts. Part of the profits made
            from  the  products  or  services  promoted  by  YBAM
            will be donated to YBAM to support the operating
            expenses of YBAM. This new model creates different
            possibilities  of  cooperation  between  YBAM  and
            corporations,  going  beyond  merely  monetary  and
            venue sponsorship.

            Business  cooperation  provides  a  platform  for
            corporations to see the value of promoting Buddhism,   Infinity Castle Management Sdn Bhd 代表罗千捷在紫藤茶原– 邵
            the  impact  of  Buddhism  on  the  community,  the   氏广场与马佛青总秘书邹翔源签署备忘录。
            role  of  Buddhist  organisations,  and  even  provide   The representative from Infinity Castle Management Sdn Bhd, Dickson Loh
            opportunities for business people to associate with   Wen Jiun signed the MoU with YBAM General Secretary Eow Shiang Yen.
            kalyāṇa-mitra  and  uphold  the  Triple  Gem.  In  the   harmonious development of the corporations.
            process  of  communicating  and  coordinating  with
            corporate representatives, we can learn more about    ‘Enter the supramundane world without giving
            their inquiries on certain aspects of Buddhism and    up the  mundane world.’ -  Scripture of  the  Ten
            any suggestions on operation and marketing. Through   Stages: Volume II
            closer cooperation, communication and interaction,
            business  representatives  can  also  experience  the   The ultimate goal of Buddhists is practise to achieve
            Six  Principles  of  Harmony,  altruism,  compassion   liberation from the cycle of birth and death, but it
            and  other  essence  of  Buddhism.  The  corporations   does not completely negate the role of material value
            can also learn from various aspects of the Buddhist   and money. In terms of corporate cooperation, YBAM
            ideology  system,  such  as  quality  management,   will continue to uphold the spirit of the Middle Way
            sustainable  development,  taking  care  of  corporate   in  Buddhism,  and  allow  participating  corporations
            image  and  people's  hearts  in  order  to  achieve  the   and individuals to join the ranks of being exposed to,
            goal  of  enhancing  corporate  culture  and  achieving   understanding and upholding Buddhism.

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