Page 43 - EH62
P. 43


               Namgyal: In Buddhism, we generally speak of the    going on for innumerable lifetimes in the past and will
               sentient beings as inhabitants and the earth as their   continue to do so in the future until one’s full freedom
               shared habitat. We are totally dependent on our habitat   from the bondage of unceasing rounds of unenlightened
               for everything, from food to clothing to shelter and   birth and death.
               so on. There is not one need that we have that we can
               provide for ourselves. However, earth’s resources are   If one is a non-believer in any of the above affiliated
               not unlimited, nor do we have another inhabitable   religions or any form of metaphysical principle, I would
               planet at our disposal. For those reasons, it is crucial   suggest they remember and keep remembering, again
               that we realize our common responsibility to care for   on a regular basis, that, just like themselves, everyone
               and ensure its continued health, rather than exploiting   else wants happiness and no one wants suffering
               it out of greed and selfishness and short sightedness.   and that everyone has the same right to pursue these
               We must stop thinking of the earth as something    goals. On top of that, they should remember that we
               outside of us. We should think of it as part of ourselves.  are all connected and dependent on each other, both
                                                                  temporally and spatially, for all comforts and luxuries,
               Yancy: How might we overcome greed and selfishness?   physical and mental, far more than we know or may
                                                                  ever know, and let the natural outcome of these
               Namgyal: We must come to understand what walking   contemplations guide our thoughts and actions vis-a-
               the path of greed and selfishness is equal to. In   vis others. In fact, this alternative is one that anyone,
               the case of greed, it is putting oneself voluntarily,   irrespective of personal belief, can contemplate and use
               though blindly, on a path of no fulfillment, unlimited   as the foundational cultivation.
               exploitation, and constant impoverishment, while
               selfishness leads us on a path of constriction, constant   Yancy: What is the meaning of love?
               distrust, and loneliness. We need to realize that greed
               and selfishness, on the one hand, and fulfillment and   Namgyal: One can speak of self-love, as well. However,
               independence, on the other hand, do not match up.   here, I will address this question in terms of love for
               Whereas contentment and altruism do match up with   others. In that sense, it is a sincere attitude of caring and
               fulfillment and independence. So, we need to take time   concern over others, rooted in the recognition of the
               out, think through this paradox, and experience the   fundamental sameness as well as connectedness and
               transformation firsthand that is entailed from attuning   indebtedness. It is being willing to reach out selflessly to
               to the gradual unfolding of these insights.        others in times of need. Such a sense of love is informed
                                                                  and fueled by who the other is essentially, not by who
               Yancy: How do we rid the world of racism, sexism, and   he or she is superficially or what he or she has done
               classism?                                          or will do to you. In the depth of such an attitude is
                                                                  the sophistication of wisdom to be flexible, not rigid;
               Namgyal: If one is a believer in some form of God or   creative, not fixated; giving, not expecting; and open, not
               Creator, I would suggest to them to remember and   closed, all in the spirit of pure caring and giving.
               keep remembering, on a regular basis, that everyone is
               created equal and in the image of God and has a greater   Yancy: I only wish that more people understood and
               purpose to serve for being the way they are.       practiced what you are communicating. What role
               If one is a believer in the concept of reincarnation, with   should love play in the 21st Century with so much
               or without a belief in some form of God or Creator,   hatred, conflict, and antagonism between human
               I would suggest to them to remember and keep       beings, nations, religions?
               remembering, again on a regular basis, that everyone
               has served as one’s loving mother, caring father,   Namgyal: Love and compassion is the only hope
               enlightening teacher, generous sister, or some other   for humankind, its environment, and the world
               benefactor, even at the cost of their lives. This has been   going forward. Resorting to animosity and division,
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